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Weight Loss Round 2

Discussion in 'Colosseum' started by Munchkin Blender, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    In my prior post I ended my first 90 days of weight loss, P90, at 269lbs. I try to start up a second round of 90 days more than once and kept failing after the 2nd week. I'm on my 4th or so try since the end of May. This time I did what I did the first time. Took a picture of myself with some measurements and put it on my frig.

    My starting measurements were...

    Weight 272 - damn summer BBQ's
    Waist - 46 - same as it was in May

    My goal is loose roughly 10% off both of those numbers. As of last Saturday I'm down to 268 after one week. I have almost good all this week but I don't weigh in until Sunday. I am hoping for 2-3 lbs more of weight loss.

    As it stands I have 23 more pounds to loose. I know the inches will come off with the weight or vs. vice versa.
  2. Aldeth the Foppish Idiot

    Aldeth the Foppish Idiot Armed with My Mallet O' Thinking Veteran

    May 15, 2003
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    I've stuck with the P90X program past the 90 day mark. I'm about 4.5 months in now. My total weight loss was not much about 9 pounds total. However, I am totally RIPPED. I can jump up on that pullup bar and rip out 12 like nobody's bid'ness. Biceps bigger. Shoulders bigger. Delts bigger. Chest not necessarily bigger, but better defined. Rock solid all the way!
  3. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    That is AWESOME! I'm hoping to get P90X for Xmass and start doing that next year. I really want to transform my body. I have been fat and out of shape since I been 16 and I'm tired of it. That is 1/2 of my life I have been out of shape. I really need to do something for ME and I'm slowly getting there.

    I'm 4 weeks in on round 2. I am now down to 265lbs. Total weight loss YTD is 27lbs. I know I will not hit my 245lb goal weight by 11/14/2010 but if I can loss another 10-15 by than I will be extremely happy. My main goal is to get my weight to 235lbs by March 1, 2010 or as close to it as possible.
  4. Aldeth the Foppish Idiot

    Aldeth the Foppish Idiot Armed with My Mallet O' Thinking Veteran

    May 15, 2003
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    One small caveat to the P90X program - Plyometrics STILL kicks my ass.
  5. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    That doesn't surprise me one bit; it is an awesome routine.
  6. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    You'll get there, Munchkin!

    It took me 1 year and a half to drop from 236lbs to 170lbs that I am now, which is a good pace since when I lose weight, I lose them permanently (until those BBQ racks in :p).

    Do remember that for workouts, increasing it gradually is the way to go. Unless you want an instant heart attack :D

    Let's lose weight together! :D
  7. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    I maybe getting P90X earlier than Xmas. In fact I will be starting P90X the Monday right after I finish up round 2 of P90. I'm doing a very intense online survey panel and I'm getting enough to almost cover the full cost of P90X.

    I had to think about how I was going to spent the money either pre-order DA2 or get P90X, but given that I only have less than 9 weeks with round 2 of P90 I decided to go with something that will change my life vs. something that I enjoy doing for many hours. Besides there is still time to pre-order DA2.
  8. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    If I'm not mistaken, P90 seems to let the user gain muscles. But then again, getting more muscles meaning you're going to burn more fat. Not to mention muscles are heavier than fat in general terms. :3

    Looking forward to hear from you more about your conditions!
  9. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    I just order P90X just seconds ago. I received a $100 gift card that paid for the initial payment of P90X and Microsoft Office 2010 (HUP). :)

    This week has been hell for me as I have fallen off course but I'm starting to refocus and hopefully by Monday next week I'm back on course. This week has been tough with a 2 day off site meeting for work, started my online MBA program and been preparing for an interview for a Business Analyst Mgmt position.

    Last week I gained 1lb but it is mostly diet that is killing me. I really need to focus on eating right along with getting my exercise in daily. I know this life style change for me is a battle I must face one day at a time.

    My goal is to have fully mastered P90 3-4 before I start P90X. I have 7 weeks to go.
  10. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    From experience, diet is the hardest thing to change... unless you're so hardcore that you deny yourself of every imaginable source of items that you crave, literally. However, look for substitutes if you really crave for sweets and candies. Dark chocolate is not as bad as it sounds, but try to get ones with higher cocoa content. I'm in love with 85%s, but that's only because I can't find 95%s. :p

    As for meats change any red meat (beef, veal, pork) you usually eat to white meat (chicken) and fish, and increase your vege and fruit intake. I personally like Chinese Cabbage cause it's frickin huge (About 2 AUD for a week's worth, sometimes more) and doesn't taste bad when you just plain boil it in water. It survives longer in the fridge too! :D Occasional apples, bananas, tomatoes, grapes, carrots don't hurt as well, but limit yourself with the mushrooms. I suffer gout attacks before changing my diet, and mushrooms seems to increase the chance of suffering this attack so I usually pass on them. I'm allergic to shellfish so I can't give you any suggestion on that part of the diet.

    Avoid margarine and butter like the plague but if you really need to, stick to margarine and use it limitedly. If you love pasta or rice, stick to wholemeals (They don't taste as bad as some people said) and brown rice.

    For any frying (stir frying, pan frying; you shouldn't go into deep frying) stick with canola oil or olive oil (Extra virgin or Pure; Never light or extra light). Oven baking can be better as an alternative, but nothing can beat steaming and boiling.

    Skip soft drinks. Trust me in this.

    Well, those are my experiences: Coupling with your exercise you should be well on your way to slimness! Remember that moderation is key though. :)
  11. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    I'm good all day until after I exercise which is around 7PM and by that time I am starving from not eating since 2ish and typically after a good workout I tend to eat a lot more than when I don't workout.

    As for protien source; chicken, turkey, ducket and other foul are out of my diet due to my food allergies. I tried egg whites and protien shakes but I can't stand either one. I find myself less hungry when I eat a multi-grain / whole wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. I'm going to try to incorporate that and other foods high in protien around 3ish before my workout to see if that makes any difference. I'm also changing my diet up; I'm going from eating 3 or 4 times a day to making sure I eat 4 or 5 times of day. I also plan to increase my calorie intake from 1200-1500 to 1500-2000 given that I may need more food than I"m actually feeding myself.

    I believe the hardest part for me will be balancing the number of times I eat in a day and the calorie intake I consume for each meal. I know I can have success as long as I stay motivated and committed even though success may not happen right a way.

    One day at a time.

    My goal right now is to drop my weight down to 260; that is a little over 7lbs of weight loss. I know I can achieve that by the end of October if I stay focus and committed.
  12. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    What I read suggested that you can lose up to 2.2 pounds if one is dedicated and had a nice diet. You should be able to lose up to 8 pounds before October, but then again... You are growing muscle at the same time so keep it up! ;)

    And sorry to hear about your allergy... I guess fish is one of your best choices then.

    Extra note: You can try mashed potatoes with tomatoes, shredded lettuce and cucumber with some fresh parsley, spring onion and coriander. And some lemon juice. For taste, add some salt, pepper or replace pepper with chili powder (I recommend cayenne pepper).
  13. Aldeth the Foppish Idiot

    Aldeth the Foppish Idiot Armed with My Mallet O' Thinking Veteran

    May 15, 2003
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    I'm living proof that it does, and I was very much into daily weight training even before I started P90X. It does help you lose weight as well, as there are certainly workouts that are very aerobic, and require little to no weights - Plyometrics, Yoga, Cardio, Kenpo. But your point stands - loss in weight will be partially offset by gain in muscle mass - but that's good weight to gain.

    Out of curiosity, how does one "master" a workout video? I suppose you consider "mastery" when you can go through the video without stopping, but that only seems like a good metric on the cardio type workouts. For the weight oriented ones, you can always lift more weight, do more pullups, etc.

    One word of warning - in the case of P90X, I have found that I perform better if I eat about an hour BEFORE I workout. Granted, that's not always possible, and in some cases it's not necessary, but if you haven't eaten in six hours and your blood sugar is low, you can bonk on some of those exercises. I notice it the most on the weight training videos. Eating a decent supper before I work out makes a difference of 1-2 pullups per set, which over the course of the workout is like doing another 12 or so pullups, which is like doing an additional set!

    ---------- Added 0 hours, 14 minutes and 35 seconds later... ----------

    You'll also find that with so many different workouts in P90X that you'll quickly develop likes and dislikes for the different workouts. For me it breaks down like this:

    Workouts I really like:

    Chest and Triceps
    Shoulders and Arms
    Chest and Back
    Ab Ripper

    Workouts I don't mind doing, but I don't get excited about:

    Back and Biceps
    Core Synergistics

    Workouts I really have to motivate myself to do:

    Legs and Back

    Fortunately, there's only two I really don't like.
  14. Kullervo Gems: 9/31
    Latest gem: Iol

    Jul 6, 2007
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    A small meal hour or two before working out might definitely be a good idea. 5 hours without eating is a long time.. at least for me :) . I think you might get even more out of your workouts and 5 meals per day makes sticking to your diet a LOT easier than 3 meals. Looks like a sound plan.

    For some reason, very few people enjoy leg exercises. I glanced at the P90X leg routine and it seemed somehow very balance-oriented but also very painful.

    edit: painful as in effective.
  15. Aldeth the Foppish Idiot

    Aldeth the Foppish Idiot Armed with My Mallet O' Thinking Veteran

    May 15, 2003
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    It is balance oriented, and on some of the exercises I put a hand on the wall (actually usually just a finger or two) for additional balance. One legged squats for example, are very difficult to go deep with if you don't have the balance.

    I think the reason there is only one workout dedicated to legs is that you hit legs with a lot of the other videos. Plyometrics is jump training - so it's pretty much all legs. You also hit legs pretty well when you do Core Synergistics. Leg work is also required with Yoga, Kenpo, and Cardio.
  16. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    After gaining another .3 lbs; I'm back up to 268lbs, I decided to focus on my diet for a full week and hold off on any exercising. I want to make sure that I eat enough food and that it will provide a positive impact to my weight loss.

    I now eat 5x a day. My calorie intake for each meal is between 300 and 600 calories. My snacks are around 300 with the three main meals being between 400 and 600. My average daily intake of calories varies between 1600-2200 calories. I'm not hungry like I was prior to this change. I have a few more days to go before I get back on track with my exercising.

    My P90X is at my doorsteps right now; though it will be another 8 weeks before I use it. Since I got off track for the past two weeks I have added 2 more weeks to my P90 workout. I will start P90X the week after Thanksgiving.

    I know I have a long way to go but as I stated more than once, it is one day at a time process for my weight loss. With each day I have to learn or modify something to help me achieve my end result. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  17. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    Well, the basic maths I apply for losing weight is this: Energy Used > Energy Gained, so I'm not so sure about holding off all exercises since it will reduce the overall 'energy consumption' of your body... Maybe some, or even half, of your usual workload but definitely not all. Try to retain some exercise that you enjoy the most... because our body have a way of telling us it is lazy after one full week of rest.

    I should know, because I do that all the time. So when I'm not exercising, I contend myself with vegetables and pasta to reduce the impact due to my laziness. :p

    And about changing your diet, one easy way is stock up your fridge with veges or anything that is 'healthy' and easily prepared so that you can eat them whenever you feel hungry. Mine is dark chocolate, but I only eat one small 'block' or 'piece' and a glass of hot green tea (plenty of teabags in the kitchen cabinet).

    I agree that you will have to start slow, but don't get discouraged! You'll get there... in time. :D
  18. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    Last week doing nothing other than watching what I was eating and make sure I followed my new diet, outlined below, I lost 4.6lbs. I am now down to 263lbs. I have lost a total of 29lbs. I received my copy of P90X on Thursday and all weekend long I battle with myself should I start P90X on 10/4 or should I continue my P90 journey.

    After sitting down and really thinking about it I decided no time like the present to push myself to a new level of fitness. I have already mastered the moves in P90, it was just a matter of adding the extra set to the reps I already was doing with P90 first disc which would just improve my endurance.

    So first thing first – here is my diet. After extensive research done the weekend of 9/25 and 9/26 I found a diet that should boost my metabolism, keep me full and provide me the energy (protein and carbs) I need to be successful with my workouts. The diet I’m doing is designed for those who tend to have an easier time putting on fat. This diet excels when it is combined with a cardio exercise routine with some muscle toning.

    So here is the diet…
    1) 5 meals a day between 300 and 500 calories a total of 1500-2500 calories a day – I average about 2000.
    2) Almost a 50/50 split for Carbs and Protein. Carbs are complex and should contain 2+ grams of fiber and protein should be lean (turkey, chicken, egg whites, etc…)

    So far I have no problems with the diet other than trying to get my lean protein as I am highly allergic to turkey and chicken. I don’t mind an egg white every now and than but to make that my main source of protein I would rather shoot myself.

    Here is an example of my daily food consumption….

    Breakfast – 1 Cup of Kashi Go Lean Cereal, 3/4 Cup of mil and a coffee with cream
    Snack – Apple and Kashi Go Lean Chewy Granola bar
    Lunch – 3oz of wild grain rice, salad (mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, radish, other veggies) w/ 2 tbls of salad dressing (olive oil based), and a lean cut of pork/steak
    Snack – 100 Calorie salt and butter free popcorn and Kashi Crunchy granola bar
    Dinner – 6” Blackforest Ham Sub from Subway loaded with veggies (My sandwhich cannot be folded) or something similar to my lunch or 2 slices of Pizza, etc…

    Now onto P90X…I am doing P90X Lean as I’m trying to loose weight and get myself in the best shape of my life, literally. Day 1 was yesterday..

    Core Synergistics - I hope this isn’t the easiest DVD. If it is I have a long way to go to get myself in the best shape of my life. When push came to shove I got push quite a bit with this DVD, though not like I did when I first started P90. This lets me know I still have room for improvement which is definitely a good thing. I like this workout and look forward to Cardio X tonight.

    Edited: I forgot to add that I recently took my waist measurement and it is now at 42.5". So far so good.

    ---------- Added 23 hours, 23 minutes and 27 seconds later... ----------

    Second day for my P90X Lean program was Cardio X. At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to complete it; however, I did. I completed 100% of it. I was winded at the end and the very last move was killer, only got 3 maybe 4 off but I completed it just the same. Tonight is arms and shoulder I believe.

    So far so good :)

    I’m looking forward to Stretch X on Sunday; I don’t plan on taking any days off as I want the maximum benefit from working out with P90X.

    I also ordered myself the Alyio standard resistance set which is suppose to be an equivelant to 110lbs. It was between Alyio and Bodylastic and from what I read both are good (Alyio has improved the issues that was present with their first shipment of bands) and Alyio was $10-15 cheaper.
  19. SilencedFaith Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    May 22, 2010
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    That is excellent!

    Thinking of you and cheering for you all the way! :p

    Although I am still dumbfounded you losing 4lbs in one week. :D
  20. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    My body was resting and I was eating really more calories and more often than I did previously. Let's not forget that I have been working out since March and most of my break from working out are 1 week breaks.

    Also, the biggest part of making a change is the diet. I know many people who lost 40+ lbs just by watching/managing their food intake/diet. If I can do that and exercise I know I can achieve my goals.

    Twice this week I consumed a bit more calories than I should with my dinner. I'm hoping to get back on track tonight and going forward. I have to make sure my 500 calorie dinner has enough food from veggies or something else to keep me full long after my workout.

    Last night was Arms and Shoulders. No problem what so ever. Since I plan to use bands I went with the band that was provided with my P90 DVD, rough 20lbs or so. I had no trouble with any of the moves, though by the end I was sweating really good. :cool:

    Tonight it is Yoga X. I'm not looking forward to it. But I know I have to bring it to achieve my weight loss goal. :D
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