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Zpocalypse: Survival - General Updates

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, May 5, 2014.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Jeff Gracia of Greenbrier Games has posted a new update for Zpocalypse: Survival that has news about general updates, and talks about procedural generation.

    General updates, procedural generation, shout out
    Before we delve into the rest of the news I wanted to give an update on the general state of things. First off we are SO close to hitting the 40% funded mark!. We are working hard on some big marketing pushes so we hope to see some uptick in the near future. We still need your help spreading the word though! Click on the share button here on the Kickstarter page to spread the word on facebook, jump on Twitter and tweet about us or re-tweet our posts, head over to Reddit and talk about our project or check out our existing posts, post on forums and tell everyone you know about us.

    As far as Greenlight we saw a big uptick the last couple days, not exactly sure from what, but we are now 67% to the top 100 - about a 10% jump. If you haven't had a chance go over there and give us a vote. Also get any of your friends on steam to give us a vote. The sooner we get Greenlit the better, this will be just one more piece of news we can put out to the press to get them talking about us!

    I also have a question for all of our backers at the $10 level. What made you decide to go with the $10 level over the next step up of $35? The reason I ask is that this pledge level is one of the places we could see a big jump. If we had all of our $10 backers go up to the $35 level that would be over a 10% increase in funding getting us close to 50% funded. Maybe there is something that we can include in that level and above to make it more enticing? We want to hear from you so tell us what you think in the comments!​
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
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