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Whine, whine, whine ... BUGS!!

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by IaaA?, Dec 31, 2002.

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  1. IaaA? Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Dec 3, 2002
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    [​IMG] Well, I got to the chambers and I leveled up my Sorc (hOf). I got to chamber 8 -- the immolation one and ... my sorc is just standing there doing nothing, watching her summoned monsters. Sooo, I thought I would let her help. I cast the black blade of disaster and, and ... of course it doesn't work on the brASS monks because they're magical resistant. BUT! now, I cannot use any other weapons because she is stuck with that as a weapon. It's been two days now and the description says that that spell is only supposed to last for 1 round/ level. HOW LONG IS 30 ROUNDS?
    Is this another time that I must reload because of a bug? A bug related to this is that you cannot use any of the 11 slots related to weapons. I used to store bolts, weapons and shields in those slots and now the game says that I have a magical weapon in use and that I cannot put anything in those slots. I have to put them in the main inventory slots. I know that I cannot use any of the items as weapons -- you know you cannot use all of them at once anyway; but I cannot even store stuff there.
    This reminds me of another annoying bug. I have a shield that gives me 15 hp and a sword that gives me 25 hp. However, when I reload, almost all of the time I lose the hp for both items. This is annoying but it is not a game crasher.
    At least fix the game crashers and the "wandering" bugs. I know you guys made a lot of money on this game and it is a good game with lots of replayability, maybe even a classic like BG.
    Well, maybe one of the board policers will email BIS (edited company name) and get a cheat-console fix for me soon.


    BTW the sword cost me $240,000 and had the name of the person who was the current leader of my party. I bought it from that very first real store. I saved up my pennies but I couldn't afford it until I was at the fortress. Did you know that periodically it changes its name to another member of my party who is not leading it and who is not using it? I think that this means that periodically the game cannot figure out who is leading your party. This small insight may have extreme ramifications. haha. Also, I have another spell that is supposed to last for 1 minute / level. Now, I thought that rounds take less than a minute. However, this other spell doesn't last 25 rounds or 25 minutes that I can see.
    Also, now I understand why many like PnP DnD. No bugs, just sometimes a crazy team member. This reminds me of the time (my first and only) when I played PnP with another couple many years ago. The guy was the Master and his wife joined my wife and I as team members. Now, she wanted to be a thief and periodically she would steal from me and backstab me. I tried to explain to her that she was supposed to use these traits of hers for the team's benefit -- not my detriment. But she said that this was her nature and that she had to act on it. Now, that I play by-my-self DnD, I don't have to deal with bugs-for-brains people like her -- her smart husband didn't play with her either as he was the dungeon master. Now I have to deal with the magical defects created by Black Isle Studios (edited company name) 'grammers who are far away making lots of money and not fixing their bugs -- which are fixable as opposed to the poor woman's brain, which was not.

    formerly "Where is Oria?" (I changed this back yesterday and it seems not to have taken -- I will try again as I was asked politely by the board police).

    [ January 03, 2003, 09:23: Message edited by: IaaA? ]
  2. Anakha the Almighty Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 16, 2002
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    To speak the truth, the game is very BUGGY. I hope BIS will release a patch soon which will fix many major problems like the ones you mentioned.
    Anyway, the game is great as you also wrote.
  3. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
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    Trust me, the game is not very buggy, after the patch only about 15 bugs remained not fixed because they were not reported at a time!
  4. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    I have not used any patches yet, and I've beaten the game. I can't think of any bugs.
  5. IaaA? Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Hey Extremist,
    Can you get me a fix for the "Black Blade of Disaster" spell bug?

    For the other guys information, battle squares is filled with bugs.

    A little bug here,
    a little bug there,
    a big bug here,
    a bigger bug there,

    Tra la la,
    la la
    Tra ...

    A little bug ...
    (sung to the tune of Jingle Bells or
    maybe Row Your Boat, I forget which)

    Haven't you, (edited in name:) reepnorp, played battle squares? Or don't you know what a bug is? Or do you think that that is the way it is supposed to be? Is your version patched or unpatched?


    BTW I started hOf over today while I was waiting for Mr./Ms. Extremist to contact BIS and hopefully get a fix for me. I started with a spanking-brandnew party of level ones. And guess what? I found a new BUG. However, this is not a gamecrasher like the Oria bug and the Black Blade bug. After the last battle of the prologue (Targus against the three goblin leaders), I went around with my paladin and picked up the stuff from the dead goblins. With three main inventory slots left, it acted like it would pick something up -- but wouldn't. I had three empty slots left and I couldn't pick stuff up (not as bad as 11 slots left and I can live with this bug). However, another character from my team could pick stuff up and pass it to me; and then I could put it into the empty slots except for the last slot. I could not put anything into it. It is slot 4 from the left on the bottom row. Also, I couldn't move something from one slot into that slot or leave the three slots empty and put something into that slot. Yup, if it's empty and you can't put anything there, it's a bug.


    [ January 01, 2003, 07:12: Message edited by: IaaA? ]
  6. Extremist Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Apr 3, 2001
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    There is no BlackBlade fix nor will ever be. It is not the spell that is bugged, but the chamber. Any weapon summoning spell will have endless duration while casted there.

    You may try with dispel magic or simply summon another weapon - outside of the test chamber. Failing that, killing/resurrecting the NPC should work.

    [ January 01, 2003, 23:07: Message edited by: Extremist ]
  7. IaaA? Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Thank you very much for your quick response. I will try your suggestions.
  8. Anakha the Almighty Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Guess what?

    Yes, this is a real and brand new BUG.(Patched version, 2.01) However, it is not a game crasher, besides it will benefit your monk a lot.
    Create a monk. While choosing feats, choose anything you want. Then, get it back and there you have one more feat.
    Now, where this extra, free feat comes from? :confused: İt is "Stunning Attack". When you get that feat back, you also get "Stunning Attack" feat back (which you normally should not)and gain an extra feat.
    However, you will still be able to stun attack your enemies, whether you rechoose "Stunning Attack" feat or spend it somewhere else.
    By this way, my human monk started with 3 feats :)


    [ January 06, 2003, 13:44: Message edited by: ANAKHA the ALMIGHTY ]
  9. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Um, Monks normally get stunning attack as a bonus.
  10. Anakha the Almighty Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Of course they get it... So?

    [ January 06, 2003, 13:47: Message edited by: ANAKHA the ALMIGHTY ]
  11. IaaA? Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Well, here's a couple more.

    First, side notes about my party and what I was doing at the time.

    1. I leveled up my sorcerer for the really difficult battle in the courtyard of the Goblin fortress: she went from level 1 to ECL 32 and she has an enhanced Char of 29 for lots of spells. Also, my party average is about 15.
    Well, she threw a woozy of a spell into the middle of those arrowers on the right-side wall: the spell was the one that burns a guy, does damage, and is contagious. Well, the graphics were just great; however, the spell does no damage and it is not contagious. He wasn't immune to fire either. I ended up killing the arrowers with fireballs and the fire spell that regenerates for 10 rounds. BUG!
    Also, (reported elsewhere, but expanded here), all goblins (including named goblins, goblin shamen, goblin sorcerers, half goblins, etc.) can be killed everywhere inside and outside the fortress with the dagger, goblin slayer (one hit), except for the two goblin sorcerers in the courtyard and the one goblin sorcerer in the offices where Guthma is (doesn't work on hobgoblins either at all anywhere, but I don't know if these are really goblins or not). BUG!

    2. Side note: It's an amazing thing to go to chapter two of this game with your whole party over 500k XP. My average level is still around 15 and Sherincal was worth 64,800 XP that went no where (she was very tough to kill as you can see by the XP). Also, I am on day 12 of my new adventure and my version of the game that I like: hOf with Weimer addons only (haven't used Dalekeeper or the cheat console as of yet).

    Well, I mass hasted my party in the far left corner of the ice warrens outside the Ice Palace. My cleric/fighter 6,4, respectively, is carrying that Heart? long sword that gives haste automatically; and she has been hasted since I bought it for her a long time ago; and I needed the extra hp. Well, she went from 60 mph to 2 mph (she should have stayed at 60). Luckily for me the trolls weren't after her so they were all stuck behind her trying to get somebody else. My monk was running around at top speed (ECL 33) and causing havoc; and when they all met just inside the first, right door to the north, my cleric/fighter (Natalia) went back to her top speed of 60 mph (side note for you Euro people (really the rest of the world): 60 mph = 96 kilometers per hour or 96 kph) BUG!

    Then I had an incredible wizard war with Sherincal at the front of the Ice Palace. I don't think the game does the will saves right or whether or not it really dispels magic protections or reduces spell resistance, etc.

    BTW, Interplay is on the market. Doesn't Interplay own or pay BIS for writing these games? Maybe this is why they will not fix their game. Also, I understand that Costco has just decided to carry this game. I'm going to tell them to wait until BIS fixes some of these bugs.

    Also, Extremist said that there are 15 known bugs. I know that he has called two of them area bugs. Maybe they are all area bugs. 1. the chambers. 2. the 2nd (lower) level of the Ice Palace. 3. the Ice Palace courtyard. 4. the Ice Palace top level 5. ... and many things do not work correctly in these 15 areas. Maybe, 2,3, and 4 are one area only and, thus, there are 14 more areas as BIS counts them. My Myrkul resurrection armor doesn't work here either, but it does work somewhere.

    They have a rule here that you cannot sign your work. I have broken this rule many times by signing my work and now I must go back and delete all my signatures. I find it amazing that someone thought of such a ??? (wonderful/stupid/whatever) rule. I understand their logic. I will give a counter example: Do you know that it is a big deal when they hold book store signings? Now, the author's name is on the book as the author. However, it is a big deal when he also signs the book. Also, whenever you send many types of letters, they have a title part at the top of the first page with the author's name and at the end it is signed by the author or his/her secretary.
    BTW, this is not off topic because this is where I have broken this rule and where I would normally sign as it has been a custom for me ever since I took my first English course and learned to write (over 50 years). This also brings up the literacy question of the rule makers and their seeming hypocrisy related to grammar rules, which also relate to the English language and customs.
    Another counter example: Taluntain sent me a private email, this time he used PM instead of my actual restricted email address, and signs it -Tal. Now I know it is from him; so, why does he sign it? Because its customary to sign your work. It is more elegant to sign your work.
    One more side note: This is not the place to comment on my signature side note (this is an aside and should be treated as such for those who know what this means). If you want to comment on this side note, aside, of my post, you must start a new topic under policies of Sorcerer's Place or you will be breaking a rule, id est, off topic.

    This work is unsigned and as such, technically, you do not know who wrote it but you can guess (probably, correctly).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2011
  12. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    [​IMG] I signed it because otherwise you wouldn't know who it's from, genius. Whenever you post, to the left of your post, is the column with your PDN on it, which is the same as you've been putting at the bottom of your post. So basically you think you need to sign something when you start writing it and the bottom of it again. Now who's being silly here?

    And if you read the FAQ, it'll be crystal clear why signatures are not allowed here. It's exactly because of types like you who put nothing of any value whatsoever in them. So read this: http://www.sorcerers.net/ubb/faq.html#signature

    Signatures on message boards don't mean names either. In 99% of cases a board signature is a famous quote or something like that. And this is the last time I'm discussing anything like this with you. If you wanted to make a topic about why signatures are not allowed - fine. You could have posted it in the Sorcerous Sundries forum. But no, you rather posted it here so that it's as off-topic as possible. Pull something like this off again and I'll delete your whole post. I've just about had it with your and this stupid idea of yours that you're an exception to the rules.

    Be happy that I'm just closing this thread. Only the relative worth of your posts is what's saving you from being outside the fence again. But my patience with you is at such a low level right now that I can tell you I won't take another of your wiseguy posts.

    [ January 06, 2003, 16:27: Message edited by: Taluntain ]
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