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The teacher you remember

Discussion in 'Whatnots' started by Silvery, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. Silvery

    Silvery I won't pretend to be your friend coz I'm just not ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Jan 16, 2005
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    Everybody has one!

    The teacher I remember most was my drama teacher. He was a great guy. Everybody looked forward to his lessons, he was fun, had a great sense of humour, was fair, a great teacher and just generally a smashing bloke.

    Unfortunately, he died recently and it was his funeral today. That's what prompted this thread.

    So, anyone else have a great teacher?
  2. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    History high school teacher.

    He was a cowboy, practically lawless and often marking people almost randomly. I loved him.
    He has a unique intense way of lecturing that bypassed all the boring parts of history and the parts that couldn't be skipped, he integrated in his lecture... which was basically storytelling. He also often involved us with a cause-effect questions. He was big on cause-effect emphasis, also giving the proper background info so you could often figure out what generally happens next. Part of what made it memorable and fun.

    He also didn't give a flying **** about 90% of students mainly the ones that couldn't be arsed to get involved. So most didn't like him in turn. While very tough (and extremely unpredictable) on grades, he wasn't malicious, or just couldn't be bothered with spending time in school in holidays, so he generally passed everyone in the end. I had a pretty solid knowledge from primary school and wasn't bad with causality type questions so i had an extremely easy time. Granted, i also actually studied sometimes, but only cause it was just interesting.
    So i picked history as one of the subjects for graduation test... but the last year (when we had preparation for exam) we got a different teacher... utter boredom, literally slept through or not attended his classes.
  3. Disciple of The Watch

    Disciple of The Watch Preparing The Coming of The New Order Veteran

    Aug 20, 2005
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    More than one, in my case.

    My Adult's ed math teacher. I have never been good at school thanks to ADHD, and it was under her guidance I tackled 536 maths. Outside of superior education maths, 536 are THE REAL DEAL. It was long and difficult, but I reaped through five of the seven modules that make 536 maths, while it's not complete, the first two books are piss easy, the third one took me three shots to pass, the fourth one took two shots to pass, the fifth... I had four shots and failed all 4. Considering I was doing maths 8AM-4PM the ENTIRE week, my brain got oversaturated.

    My grade 11 English teacher. As anyone here can attest, not being a native English speaker, my English is pretty damned good nontheless. After the first spoken English exam, he understood just how leagues ahead of everybody I was... how much of a natural I was at speaking (and writing) English. From that day, he gave me a LOT of leeway... I arrived in his class flying Air Durban more times than I'd be willing to admit, he never gave a damn, hell, he even stopped by my desk to ask me if it was good stuff. :shake: He also allowed me to do team projects on my own, and for a strong Lone Wolf type like myself, words cannot do justice to how much I appreciated that. He also turned a blind eye on my turning papers late. He knew I was above everybody else in this class, and he respected that. I respect the hell out of this man, a respect he has earned, which is no small task.

    My 6th grade teacher. Cool, calm, collected, always in a good mood, never losing his calm. IMO, this man exemplifies what someone passionate about their job is all about. I also was supposed to begin high school and do grade 7 and 8 in three years, but he stepped up to the plate and was able to sway the principal to let me on the "normal" path. And when I did begin high school, every now and then he would call me to see how I'm doing, and how I liked high school. Nothing but the highest marks of respect for this man.

    My grade 11 moral education teacher (no religion for me, thanks a lot). He always treated me with respect, which I only saw fitting to give back. A great guy all around, who loved doing what he did despite his health problems. They got worst during the year, and he had to take a couple of months off.

    On the Hatred end of the spectrum, there are a couple of nominees too.

    The sexually frustrated lesbian feminist French teacher I had in grade 10. The very same who threatened not to correct my exams/papers anymore unless I severely improved my handwriting. This story has been told... I was expelled from her class, didn't had French for the remainder of the year, and just to rub it in her filthy, scaly, disgusting, dirty face I passed my final exam. I put that b-word through the verbal grinder. Much fun, that was.

    Speaking of grade 10, my math teacher was an A-hole, too. I've got nothing against arrogance, but I wanted to bash this guy's brains in with an aluminum baseball bat, repeatedly. The guy would give us stuff to do, then go out with his golf clubs to hit a couple of balls on the football field, come back, rince and repeat. He took an initial disgust in me, which was reciprocated.

    ...I HAD ALMOST FORGOT! Fat, disgusting gutter trash, putrid pantywaist, slimy sleazy scumbag with a breath that smells like an overused barf bucket grade 8 French teacher. The old piece of garbage REQUIRED out notes to be in FIVE SEPARATE CANADA BOOKS. I had a five section notebook, so I used that, each section had a part of my notes. That scum-sucking, sewage drinking filthy mass of unorganized grabasstic piece of amphibian droppings would have NONE OF THAT. I basically was expelled from her class, not to be readmitted until I have retranscribed my notes in FIVE F'N CANADA BOOKS. I missed a WHOLE semester because of that garbage, and I guess all the planets were aligned and it was a lunar eclipse on the 30th of February during a lightningstorm, because I SOMEHOW managed to pass the class BY THE ABSOLUTE EDGE OF THE SKIN OF MY TEETH. I very much would like to be locked in a room with the old b****, Taipei style. She'd get hers, and I mean that in a very violent way.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
    LKD likes this.
  4. Splunge

    Splunge Bhaal’s financial advisor Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Grade 6 teacher – everyone loved her. She was really nice, but also didn’t put up with a lot of crap.

    Grade 9 teacher – everybody was terrified of him because he was very strict. When I got him for my homeroom teacher, I was dreading it. As it turned out, he was strict, but also very fair and supportive. He turned out to be one of the teachers I respected the most.

    Grade 11 English teacher – very similar to my grade 9 teacher.

    Now that I think of it, in most cases (the above being exceptions), the ones I liked the most at the time I had them as teachers ended up being the ones I respected the least – they tried to be friends rather than teachers, and thus had a tough time controlling the students.
  5. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    My chemistry teacher from 5th to 10th class. She was cool. I had an A+ only because I wanted to impress her :love: even, though, iirc from 8th grade on I started to want to impress girls rather than teachers, and abandoned her, but not chemistry. From that point on pride dictated to have that A+.

    And a number (6+) of others, only because they are neighbours of my mother and we usually cross ways when I visit her.
  6. Dethwynd Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    Jun 15, 2006
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    My 11th grade World Geography teacher. I am really surprised that this man is still teaching. He literally could not have done less to teach in his class. Everyone just sat around and played Magic: the Gathering in the class while he played Pokemon at the back of the room. He gave us a map of the US and had us COLOR it for our final exam.

    Then there was my 9th grade Computer science teacher..... he was just.... odd...
    He used to tell us stories about a cousin of his who went to jail for Fu@#@!$ chickens..... The rest of the time we just played Doom over the schools LAN...

    Come to think of it i really wasn't a very good school lol.
    LKD likes this.
  7. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Miss. Haney. - 5th and 6th grade.

    Good GOD that woman had an amazing body and a gorgeous face too! She was in her mid to late 20's. I remember seeing her at the local community pool during the summer between 5th and 6th grade. She was wearing a brown bikini... :love: Holy F*** she was hot...I couldn't keep my eyes off her all throughout 6th grade. [​IMG] She caught me checking her cleavage and/or her butt out on several occasions. She would always smile and nicely whisper in my ear (as if she was trying not embarrass me in front of the class) to focus on the assignment. :o

    Oh yeah...she was a pretty cool teacher too.

    It's funny, at the time I had no idea what to do physically if she came on to me, but mentally, I knew exactly what I was doing....and I would have been all over that. :yum:
    That's one reason I think that jail time for teachers who screw their students is F***ed up. If the student is over 13-14 years old, they're smart enough to know what they're doing...That does not apply to anything that was forced upon the student however. :toofar:
    mordea and LKD like this.
  8. Silvery

    Silvery I won't pretend to be your friend coz I'm just not ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Jan 16, 2005
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    I might have known that Kits favourite would be a hottie! :lol:
  9. Montresor

    Montresor Mostly Harmless Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Aug 11, 2005
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    The best teacher is the one who loves his or her topic and shows it in class. My first-year physics teacher at the university has his own page on Wikipedia. He absolutely loved physics and couldn't have disguised the fact if he'd tried. We looked forward to the two double physics lessons every week.

    He often gave lessons about physics and astronomy on TV. When the Giotto probe met Halley's Comet in 1986 he was in Germany commenting for Danish TV. We sat up until 2 in the morning watching the show just to hear "our" Jens Martin! The next week, the auditorium was even more densely packed than usual, even physics students who had taken 1st year physics years before had shown up. After entering the auditorium and seeing the huge crowd, Jens Martin said, "I suppose you'd like to hear what happened last week!" The applause was deafening. :grin:

    He was also a football (soccer) fan and a big fan of the Danish player Allan Simonsen. I have been told that before an important qualification match (the one against the USSR in June 1985) Jens Martin saw a girl sitting outside the examination room. He asked her if she was nervous, and she told him yes. He answered, "Don't worry, if Allan plays from the start we'll win!" :D (IIRC, Allan Simonsen didn't play but Denmark won anyway.)
  10. TheMadMage Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Jun 12, 2010
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    Haha im homeschooled so... my parents? But i also love my philosophy/math teacher. A couple really cool guys who i used to chat online with. They taught me a ton!
  11. LKD Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone


    Aug 13, 2002
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    1: My grade 2 / grade 3 teacher. She was a wizened old biddy who didn't put up with any <snip>. I remember she picked up a kid named Chad one day -- right out of his desk! -- and kicked him in the a$$. I hated Chad's guts, so that was a high point in my elementary school career. She really cared about whether we learned anything, though, and had the absolute coolest lessons.

    2: My Grade 6 teacher was a gaunt, rawboned old bachelor. He had the loudest voice I had ever come across up until that point in my life. He too cared about our learning, and busted his butt to make sure we improved.

    3: My Grade 11 social teacher. She wasn't hot in the sense of physicality, but she had the greatest personality in the world and I still wanted to boink her because of that. This demostrates my growing maturity, as the teacher I'd wanted to boink before that was my 7th grade social teacher, and she was a . . . word I' m not allowed to say anymore!. In any event, the 11th grade one was just an amazing person. She made European history interesting.

    4: The next year was the teacher who inspired me to become a teacher myself. He was the best eacher ever, bar none. He'd do wild things to make points, and he engaged every student to the best of his ability. The man was laid back -- he didn't care about your essays as much as he cared about you understanding the powerful effects of history, sociology, politics, and economics. I strive to teach as he did.
  12. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Ummmm.....last time I checked, you can't F**K a personality.... :p

    No it doesn't. Being into ugly, older women, is not a sign of growing maturity....it demonstrates your ever decreasing lack of taste. :p :evil: :p
  13. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Kitrax needs a dose of what Jack Black got in Shallow Hal :p

    Can't.. read.. without getting Chad Vader picture in my head. Unimpossible. Even better, Chad Vader in entire outfit in 2nd grade being kicked by an old biddy :D
  14. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    I'd rather not. :rolleyes:
  15. Drugar

    Drugar And now... we wait! Veteran

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I remember my handcraft teacher from when I was in highschool. I was about 15 back then. He was a tirant and had the most appropriate last name: Führer (no joke!)

    When you did something he found unnecessairy or worse, you weren't paying attention, his punishment was harsh and you never did it again. One time, he taped a student to a chair with duct tape for the whole 2 classes. Combined, she was on that chair for over an hour! Even her hair was taped!

    We feared that man, he was cruel!
  16. LKD Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone


    Aug 13, 2002
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    Dude, if a teacher did that today, he'd be fired on the spot. He'd also face criminal charges -- unlawful confinement, assault, and likely criminal harassment.
  17. Drugar

    Drugar And now... we wait! Veteran

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Yes he would. However, back then, it was tollerated.

    And to be honest, we put up with it too.

    But, a long time ago, physical punishment on schools was quite common. I remember the stories my grandmother told me about her catholic school days...
  18. Silvery

    Silvery I won't pretend to be your friend coz I'm just not ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Jan 16, 2005
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    I don't advocate beating children but there are some cases where some kids could do with a clip! You know, when I was younger, if a copper told me off I'd be terrified my mum would find out...now the kids shout back, are abusive towards other people and think that being violent towards older/weaker/different people makes them big and clever. They could really do with a caning!
  19. LKD Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone


    Aug 13, 2002
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    No argument from me -- I learned as a youth to respect the teachers who awere working hard to give me an education -- that respect was a default setting. Nowadays, imbecilic feel-good fools yammer on and on about how the teachers must earn the respect of the kids. What utter nonsense. The tail should not wag the dog. We will reap the whirlwind if we persist in such permissive, bass ackward policies.
    Silvery likes this.
  20. Drugar

    Drugar And now... we wait! Veteran

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I couldn't agree more!

    As a kid, you should have respect for adults, that includes teachers!
    Silvery likes this.
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