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The perfect 6-PC party revisited

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by Blitz, Feb 3, 2003.

  1. Blitz Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Sep 17, 2002
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    It's been a while since I posted here, but I did spark some discussion with my 4 and 6 PC combinations for optimal gameplay. Over the last couple of weeks, I've revisited the game and abandoned some of my older opinions. Thus, now seems a good time to revisit the discussion.

    Conventional wisdom dictates that you take 2 fighters, a cleric, a rogue, a caster, and any character of your choice. I've experimented with bards, extra fighters, druids, you name it.

    The bard is a good choice, and a third fighter is probably best for newer players. Save for using Jaheria in BG2, I've never really had a thing for druids, and monks are fun but limited.

    A second spellcaster does make for some duplication of spells, but in the end proved to be the "best" choice. So without further ado, here is version 2.0 of my "perfect party", complete with starting stats and feats.

    Assimar Paladin of Helm
    S:18 D:08 C:18 I:13 W:10 Ch:13
    Expertise, Longsword

    Half-Orc Barbarian
    S:20 D:14 C:14 I:08 W:10 Ch:10
    Power Attack, Polearm

    Human Morninglord of Lathander
    S:16 D:08 C:16 I:10 W:16 Ch:10
    Combat Casting, Mace

    Human Rogue
    S:10 D:16 C:14 I:14 W:10 Ch:10
    Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Crossbow

    Moon Elf Evoker
    S:10 D:14 C:14 I:18 W:10 Ch:10
    Spell Focus: Evocation, Longbow

    Wild Elf Sorcerer
    S:10 D:12 C:12 I:14 W:10 Ch:18
    Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff, Longbow, Spell Focus: Enchantment

    The choice of Barbarian over fighter lies mainly in that I wanted 2 plate users, 1 chain user, and 1 leather user. The extra warrior feats are nice, but at higher levels this barbarian will do as well as any fighter, and more when he is in his rage.

    Having an Evoker and an Enchater gives me a nuker and a charmer in simple terms. One lays down the fire and the other casts the utility spells. Since the wizard will only need to memorize combat spells, his lack of spell diversity won't hinder him in the least, and the extra spells and feats are a real plus.

    While this patry does not have as much tanking or healing ability as other configurations, it certianly does not lack for firepower. The two archer mages lay down excellent combat damage in addition to their spells. The Expertise ability on the paladin allows him to tank even the toughest beasts without taking excessive damage. And while the cleric does not add as much melee damage as some others, clearly the Morninglord lays down the best fire and brimstone.

    I ended up dual-classing my rogue in the game's latter stages, giving him a few fighter levels to round out his combat ability. None of the other classes were dualed, as I needed the paladin as backup healer. Taking a few rogue levels in the barbarian was an option, but one I declined to persue.

  2. Beren

    Beren Lovesick and Lonely Wanderer Staff Member Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Jun 5, 2002
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    Aasimar Paladin of Helm x/ Fighter 4 - Mithral Field Plate, Tower Shield +2, Brazen Bands, Little Giant Girdle, the Holy Avenger, and he's ready to rock and roll.

    Gold Dwarf Battleguard of Tempus - the main healer in the party, a surprisingly deadly tank with a shield and the Balance Axe. At higher levels, he really starts to shine with the Power Word spells and Holy Word.

    Human Monk - tremendous fighter, great saving throws, the party scout, and the mage slayer.

    Human Druid x/ Ranger 1 - There isn't a lot this character can't do. She can perform as a secondary healer and defender. She can torch monsters with spells like Spiritual Wrath and Flame Strike. She can, if you know what you're doing, play a subtle yet still effective role in melee combat. And she can tear up monsters from afar with her bow. And she can turn to a powerful animal and start shredding everything in sight.

    drow rogue/wizard - Secondary damage caster, and archer. Takes care of trap disarming and all other thieving needs. Deadly as backstabbing assassin with the aid of magical buffers such as Mirror Image and Improved Invisibility.

    I used to play a single-class wizard, but now I go with ...

    Tiefling Diviner - a single class wizard with the +2 intelligence bonus of the tiefling is as powerful as it gets. Feats like Spirit of Flame and Scion of Storms also confers elemental resistances which stacks with the Tiefling's bonuses. I'm only missing out on the Power Word spells, which are taken care of by the Battleguard, and the cloud spell, which aren't that big a deal.

    With an extra spell each level, I miss playing a Sorcerer even less now.

    [ February 03, 2003, 19:30: Message edited by: Beren ]
  3. Misiek Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Human fighter 18- with Golden Heart, and Scimitair of Souless + 5 as a main killer
    Deep Gnome monk 16- great bonuses, and awesome SR make him a perfect mage-killer
    Aasimar cleric 18 - a bunch o healing spells always welcome:)
    Elf Roge 18 - someone to pickpocket, disarm traps, and of course to stab
    Drow Wizard 18 & Drow Sorcerer 18 - don't have to introduce:)
  4. Blitz Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Sep 17, 2002
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    As main tanks go, this is about as good as it gets. I declined the fighter levels due to healing problems as I said. Did you go with expertise or not?

    Probably the second best cleric class IMHO, and definately the best fighter. I didn't need the extra power words with two casters, so I went with the extra lay on hands and better damage spells.

    Being able to use monk items is nice, but I'd rather have my barbarian. Both do great damage, but monks don't tank as well as fighters.

    You make a good case, but I'd still rather have my sorcerer. A dedicated enchanter makes those tough fights a cakewalk.

    Hard to argue with the thief/mage. I loved my swashbuckler/mage in BG2. Didn't fit my party as well as the fighter/thief though.

    A third level-penalized character is a lot to have in a party. I'd argue that the extra level on a human or elf mage more than makes up for the 2 less int, but it's the level penalty that turns me off. Diviner is clearly the best specialization. The only reason I went with Evoker is that quite simply that's all he does =).

    Nice party. Mine has more firepower (2 mages + lathander). Yours is a little more versatile with the druid, and has quite a bit more healing. The second healer probably makes up for not having a second fighter. I imagine the cleric and monk get hit a lot.

    With that said I like the concept of only having one fighter. That was always my problem with using a monk... he replaced my utility character and I ended up being more melee-heavy than I like. Since I don't like druids, I didn't have the healing to support a 1-tank party. But yours work well together I can see.
  5. Blitz Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Sep 17, 2002
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    Our parties are pretty close, save for the monk and your fighter-class choice. I wonder if my barbarian could kick your monk's ass? Seems I'm alone in my love for the 25-strength, two-handed-weapon-wielding, berserked half orc beating machines :) . My money is on the greenskin, but monks are pretty hard.
  6. Beren

    Beren Lovesick and Lonely Wanderer Staff Member Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Jun 5, 2002
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    A few notes,

    Having three level-penalized characters in the party is balanced by greater experience points under the challenge rating system.

    Monks with Bracers of Defence 4, maxed out wisdom and dexterity, and the Shifter's Boots are quite difficult to land a hit on. One on one, they are simply deadly with Quivering Palm and Stunning Blow.

    My cleric isn't really in jeopardy most of the time either. Aasimar's Aura + shield + Iron Skins spell.

    Lastly, to my mind, the idea of who is a tank and who is not can get pretty blurry. When my Battleguard of Tempus, my Monk, and my Druid in Dire Bear form get going, it can be pretty hard to tell the difference. Yet my party still has plenty of damage casting and healing power to show for it.

    But yeah, for anybody who has the idea of a perfect party, there's another player who can come up with gaps or weaknesses in that party. Then a counter argument can be made in return. So on and so forth. I can see where you're coming from with your party as well. While this topic is worthwhile and very interesting, it is also something of a red herring.

    I'll give an example. Anakha the Almighty uses roughly four of the same characters as I do. Two characters he is decidedly different from me on.
    One is a Barbarian x/Fighter 4, which provides admittedly awesome attack power. Another is the Stormlord of Talos, which is his particular route to a character than can both heal and cast damage spells. I found my party that meshes and works well together, and he's found his. And I'm sure many others can say the same thing for themselves.

    [ February 04, 2003, 02:28: Message edited by: Beren ]
  7. Misiek Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I think that my monk with 37 AC, Blur, and Invisibility spells, and of course Quivering Palm ansd Stunning Fist could be a match for your Barbarian Blitz
  8. Klorox

    Klorox Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-mênu! Veteran

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Mega bump, I know, but isn't a Druid better with one level of Monk (AC bonus in shapeshifted form) or a level of Cleric of Bane (special quest), and you still get proficiency in a missile weapon (Although admitedly, a Bow is better than a Crossbow). All you need to do for either (or both, if you're adventurous) is start off LN in alignment.
  9. Fly2tHeSkY

    Fly2tHeSkY Southern Comfort Veteran

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I know where I've seen that party combination Beren! Your guide was gooooood!!!s

    Anyways, here's my new party, it's something i've been experimenting with and guess what ... it's crazy!!!

    I just started HoF and this is it ...

    Drow Fighter 4/ Rogue 10
    Aasimar Fighter 1 / Lorekeeper of Oghma 15
    Aasimar Fighter 4 / Paladin of Helm 13
    Drow Diviner 16
    Drow Sorcerer 16
    Drow Soceress 16

    I was sick of my other parties and wanted to try something different ... what do you think?

    By the way Blitz, why not just become a pure fighter or did you like the idea of raging? You are going to add 4 fighter levels onto that aren't ya?

    Your party was pretty good as well dude! :D
  10. JT Gems: 12/31
    Latest gem: Moonstone

    ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 19, 2005
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    The best party in HOF is probably five sorcs and a cleric :)

    I suspect that with enough squatting, all six characters could reach level 30 by the end of HOF... but if half the party spends 2/3 of the game squatted at level two, are you really playing a full party?

    Cleric: advance to level 18, then squat to level 24, then squat six monk levels. You could give up two monk levels for fighter levels if you wanted extra feats.
    Sorc: advance to 21, squat to 24, then squat to 28, then take a paladin level and a monk level.
    Sorc: as above, except around level 15 take a single cleric level so she can use scrolls of raise dead if the main cleric goes down.
    Three Squatting Sorcs: each take one paladin level, one monk level, then squat 28 sorc levels.
  11. Goon66 Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Mar 27, 2004
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    I dont get what the monk levels are there for :confused:
  12. Klorox

    Klorox Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-mênu! Veteran

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Who are you asking, Goon66?
  13. Goon66 Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Mar 27, 2004
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    JT i understand the reasons for YOUR monk level on the druid but i dont understand why JT to put monk levels for his sorcs and only slightly why he put them on his cleric. But i think he is the guy who wrote the JUPP so id assume he has a really great reason i am too slow to see :o
  14. JT Gems: 12/31
    Latest gem: Moonstone

    ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 19, 2005
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    I'm not related to the JUPP guy. A single monk level is good because it grants evasion and +2 to all saves. The multiple monk levels for the cleric are because the last cleric levels are nearly useless, so you might as well level up in the class with the best saves.
  15. Klorox

    Klorox Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-mênu! Veteran

    Nov 17, 2003
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    But the last Cleric levels aren't useless. They improve the DC of your spells, and you get a few more castings a day, don't you?
  16. Shrikant

    Shrikant Swords! Not words! Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
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    The guy who wrote the JUPP is registered here as Jukka.
    And JT, that party sounds painful man. If you actually have tried it, give me your address so I can contact the nearest sanitorium. :p

    The easiest party for me would be:

    LE Deep Gnome Rogue[2]/Ranger[1]/Dreadmaster of Bane[1]/Illusionist[21]/Fighter[4]/Monk[1]
    CN HalfOrc Barbarian[20]/Battlegaurd of Tempus[8]/Fighter[2]
    LG Aasimar Paladin[3]/Sorcerer[27]
    NE Drow Sorcerer[30]
    CG Drow Bard[11]/Morninglord of Lathander[19]
    any ****ing idiot, i.e. LN Deep Gnome Monk[30]
  17. Goon66 Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Oh its all soo confusing remebering peoples names :o .

    BTW shrikant whats the third paladin level give your sorc?
  18. JT Gems: 12/31
    Latest gem: Moonstone

    ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Klorox, spell DC in DND 3E is not based on character level. Ever. The formula is:
    DC = 10 + [casting stat modifier] + [spell level] + [spell focus]

    Here are the extra spell slots per day you get with each cleric level after 20:
    21: 1st and 6th
    22: none!
    23: 2nd and 7th
    24: 8th
    25: 3rd
    26: 9th
    27: 4th
    28: 1st
    29: 5th
    30: 2nd

    Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Taking more than 26 cleric levels is just awful. Actually you could stop at 21 and take all the rest as a Monk, for Improved Evasion.

    Shrikant, what's painful about my party?

    I'm also questioning that third paladin level... why not monk or sorcerer instead?
  19. Shrikant

    Shrikant Swords! Not words! Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
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    :heh: I don't think you were active here back when Jukka used to visit these boards, Goon66. You can't know everyone :smash: (just coz I like that smilie :p )

    Since this is a party that could go into HoF, all charecters will get to L30.
    The difference between a Sorcerer[28] and a Sorcerer[27] is a few spells cast. They both know the same number of spells. So I go ahead and give him 3 levels as Paladin, since the difference wouldn't matter to me anyway.

    And if that does not answer your question :confused: what was your question :hmm:

    Squatting 3 sorcerers at a time!?! :eek: If thats not a PITA I wouldn't know what is.
    As far as the Aasimar Paladin[3]/Sorcerer[27] goes:
    I have already said why I don't mind the loss from Sorc[28] to Sorc[27]. As far as taking another class but Paladin, not with an Aasimar. Now if it were a Wild Elf (those are the guys with favoured class Sorc, right?) then I'd probably make it a Paladin[2]/Monk[1].
    On second thoughts I would make him a Human, dump Int that way.
  20. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    With Icewind Dale 2 being a hack and slash game , spellcasters arn`t that usefull really.
    Here is the partie I finished the game with. I only had 3 deaths during the entire game infact. Probably luck , but with the 3ed rules things gets too easy anyway.

    1 Aasimar Paladin of Helm. Strictly because he can multiclass to fighter. And get the 4 fighter levels nessecary for weapon secialization.

    2. Half Orc Barbarian , again 4 levels of fighter

    3. Dwarf Barbarian , 4 level fighter

    4. Dwarf battleguard of tempus. back up fighter (like I would need it). Mostly there for healing spells.

    5. Female elven druid. Using her as an archer , even though according to the rules a druid can`t use bow , due to the druidic oath.

    6. Female tiefling Wizard.

    don`t remember the stats but I had maxed out the important ones. And everyone except the wizard had minimum inteligence.

    You might wonder why I have no scout in the party. I found there was no need for one. Since an invisibility spell makes my barbarian a good enough scout anyway.
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