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G3: Grey the Dog Updates to v10 with completed Russian Translation!

Discussion in 'Infinity Engine Modding News' started by Ancalagon, Nov 3, 2024.

  1. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon The First Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Gibberlings Three

    Grey the Dog NPC

    Grey is a full-fledged joinable NPC, but still a real dog. The only magic on him is his magically enchanted items.
    He has sensible interjections (Woof!), NPC banters (mostly NPC dialogues about him with the PC), a click dialogue (PID) if the PC feels like playing fetch or just needs someone to talk to. There are dialogue options that reflect the game story and I'll promise: Grey will always listen to your PC's woes. Grey initiates no dialogues so there is no friendship track and - I am really sorry, but no romance. Not even for Shapeshifters.
    In BG1 there are two small quests, both available in BG city. The quests are also available and solvable without Grey in party. In SoD, there is a quest that will evolve along the different camps. Talk to Belegarm with Grey nearby to kick it off.
    Where appropriate, Grey can be told to "search" for missing persons, in BG1 Brage and farmer Brun's son, in SoD the five missing refugees, Skie, the item for his quest, and for SoD Brage crossmod the missing girl. This is realized so it doesn't spoil the quests too much, though, so do not expect too much help.

    Grey can follow the group as a "7th party member". There are some quirks with this mode and also levelling up needs to be done by letting him join from time to time (please refer to readme), but it works great if you need the slot for another NPC without having to send Grey back home.

    Please note: So far, the mod officially contains full BG1 and SoD content. BGII content is not finished yet, but Grey will join the group in Irenicus' Dungeon.

    Version 10 comes with completed Russian translation by scheele!

    -Crossmod banter with Brandock should not end abruptly.
    -Grey's movement rate upped by 2 at level 1 (now +4 instead of +2 compared to before).
    -PIDs after Sarevok's death should not show before.
    -Optimized scripting for Transition to BGII (BGT/EET).

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