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In Chapter 5... enfeeble and other fun adventures

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by claudius, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    I had 2 characters get enfeebled and couldn't move after starting the battle with Ojatha after distributing the hearts as sabotage and getting the Stella and freeing the heartless dead.

    It didn't result in a reload but it did reduce my party strength for a little while as my rogue10/wizard7 had to use another weapon than massive halberd of hate +4 and the Wizard13/Fighter1 couldn't move and I couldn't figure out why for awhile. Looking back I forgot I could cast Tenser's Transformation for some strength, but I just drank a potion of strength which didn't help much because I had Bull's, enfeeble, and a potion +4 and not all stacking ideal to move strength back up over 6. I had to shift his inventory around with another character.

    The battle was won but I didn't feel like I was very familiar with the black fang assassins and cabalists. The cabalists seemed to like to while out my summons quite a bit. And I had a high level druid summon that was annoying blocking door ways and looking like it was hostile (we had protection from evil). Quite possibly my own elemental summon was killing the other summons? I'll have to think on that.
  2. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    1st. You dont have a bunch of restoration and greater potions in your inventory? I hoard them for a rainy day that never come so I got lots. Or dispel potions?
    2nd. You use wiz13F1 for halberd wielder? Weird~
    3rd. Tenser is a spell that dictate your character's role. if you memorize tenser, you might try Morde sword and Black Blade of disaster before hand.

    Overall I dont though. Wizard has a really defined role in my party (nukers and area denier) so if they got another role (melee combatant) it will mess up my strategy (2 melee block, summons protect flanks, rogue shoot, and casters kill).

    Which is why I eliminate Black blade and Tenser from my arsenal. Not mordekainen sword, because it can attack in range, thus not change wizard's position and play very much.
  3. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    1 I have some dispel potions but was worried they would strip all of the benefitial buffs and the enfeeble alike. I haven't ever noticed restoration potions. I do have a cleric that could take those spells. I am rolling with many buffs: bulls, cats (on light armored), bless, barkskin, protection evil, Hope, stoneskin sometimes. So obviously I don't want to be unable to move but also want a different solution that won't lose 5+ buffs. I will look for restoration potions and maybe take a spell with cleric in restoration.

    2 no it was a bit convoluted sentence. I have a Rogue 10/ Wizard 7 using Massive Halberd. He is frontline and also initial strike assassin. He can sneak and backstab and maxes strength for insure hit and the MH is a good weapon because it's likely to do damage. Wizard buffs support that playstyle from rogue because (Diviner) can cast lots of: Mirror Image (all second level slots), Shield, Haste (good for moving too), and Fire Shield Blue and Red. That's the defensive side of things that allows to strike first. He's drow too with improved evasion and racial spell resistance. So if the enemy surrounds him they can soon be bombarded. By area effects that he will shrug off from: improved evasion, spell resistance, and mirror images. MHoH is a weird weapon but I planned from the beginning to use it for its high base damage and helping one hit one kill backstabs. Should have two hander of some sort since doesn't want dual wield or arcane spell failure.

    3 I actually have the idea to save Tenser if there's still a significant resistance fight and he is all out of spells. Then Tenser is the last spell. I haven't actually tried it yet though. I've probably spent 90% of my playtime chapters 1-4. A lot of times of gotten tired of game at some point. I have one complete playthrough. Now I'm in the Dragon Eye and remembering how the dungeon layouts get rather challenging to figure out what your supposed to do and time consuming. Still it's interesting layout perhaps partly because I don't have meta knowledge of chapter 5 compared to earlier ones.

    For your notes on strategy I tinker around a bit. This is my first playthrough where I added characters gradually to get some more xp and more power. Just wanted to try that. I like the middle ground between xp exploit of console or lots of level 1 mules and farm fell wood or something. It's an exploit but it doesn't feel as cheating as just playing through whole normal game with ridiculous level 30 party or such.

    So the characters I have now and some notes:

    Started Game with a neutral evil drow Diviner 7/Rogue 10 (now) named "Luthinm" this guy as above can scout and initiate backstab with haste and MI already up and then start the fight in good defense. Can also if he backstabs a caster to almost dead then immediately hit with magic missile, burning hands, icelance or something.

    Added a Human Lawful Neutral Druid named "Karatos" at the start of Orcs map. He did battlesquares and 8 chamber (was pretty high level) the former using static charege a lot and latter shift into a dire bear and go 'hand to hand' with monk enemies in 8 chambers. He is now Fighter1/ Druid 17. He uses Throwing Shock Axe or Belib's torch or some other +3 weapon in melee if needed to off tank. The Shock Axe puts him close enough to cast static charge or call lightning close enough to an enemy to use the Static or Lighting. He is a druid of Ulutui who is a god of giants and ice hunter tribes. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Ulutiu

    I added a true neutral Drow General Wizard named "Tazmet Oussep" at start of Horde Fortress Map. Took one level of Fighter for a feat and access to all Weapons. He does many things some bombardier but I also have a high level druid, a cleric and things like necklace of missiles or exploding potions to throw. He is now (Dragon Eye 1) Level 14 Wizard Level 1 Fighter. He buffs and a few AoE, some single target direct damage, some debuff or CC. He has a lot of value but I am using him as versatile. He sometimes uses melee (but not the massive halberd) because Wizards are good tanks if they have the Mirror Images and those kinds of defense. So he can be a controller but if he gets attacked himself he has MI. He now inherited Ice spear +4 from the Rogue.

    I added a Lawful Evil Drow Cleric of Bane named "Zarclon" when I arrived in the map around Andora before the Ice temple. She is a controller and casts party buffs. In a tough fight she can also cast a few buffs then enter the battle. eg recital, champions strength, Holy Power then attack. Or controller stuff from Bane or Cleric. Cleric 12. She wield Club Disruption +3 and sometimes ranged.

    I added a dwarven Paladin named "Goldy II" when I arrived in the Wandering Village who is front line but no mirror images. She is now dual wielding Scimitar +3, and shortsword of Brilliance. Now Fighter7 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Monk1. So has Evasion, Dualwield, Pal Saves, monk bracers that give extra attack, and later Holy Sword

    I added a Chaotic Good Ghostwise halfling bard named "Shadowsong" that has high dexterity for dedicated ranged weapons with some songs, spells. He has level of Barbarian for speed or martial weapon access. Has enough skillpoints for Use Magic Device which I have never tried out in this game so kind of curious. Right now he is Bard 4/ Barbarian 1. He was added when we arrived at Kuldahar.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
  4. lefuet Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

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    Jun 11, 2011
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  5. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    Polearm has two items with great range: Nine Paces at 3 tile, and Twelve Paces at 5 tiles. They are item of great tactical utility that devs didnt add more of the same type. 3 Tiles mean he can stand behind 1 huge unit and attack another. 5 tiles mean two, or a gigiantic unit (remorhaz). At front line a polearm wielder has great reach all over. And that mean anyone in frontline to middle line get threatened with a smash hit.

    At nonHoF a polearm user is often hurt due to no shield. But in HoF hes' always hurt due to very high hit chance. A clericXFighter4 is necessary for Ironskin among other buffs, and numerous Heals.
  6. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    Also, Claudius, if you play that way I am not surprised you abandon games many times. It's because you are, subconsciouly, tired of changing your tactics each time you test somethings: Tenser? That mean your wizard turn into fighter type. backstab? It means you changed from hit-run into straight up fight into wizard bombardment.

    You only get so many times changing your tactic until your mind is tired of it and you simply quit.

    Which is why I eliminate backstab. I still scout, and lure targets into straight up fights. But I dont do the hit and run any more, because that way mean wizard bombardment risk hitting the rogue.

    Which is why I never use druidic transformation. A caster is a caster. If I need meatshield I can always summon helpers.

    Which is why I never adding extra unit. A full 6man party from start to finish. If it's too easy I just squat level, which test the utility of my builds and my tactics until it's most efficient. I dont have to bother adjusting my party to protect a newbie.

    Icewind Dale 2 is a hard game, that become harder every time you have to adjust your play around adding more newbies into a party.
  7. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    Laclongquan, I think you misunderstood what I have said. I enjoy tinkering around. I don't think changing up tactics is what makes my mind tired. Probably more like the opposite. Also the scout backstabber works with my party. Did you read my post? My scout backstabber has shield, MI, haste, fire shields. He has high level racial SR for the point in the game, evasion and eventually improved evasion, and to prevent damage if I bombard on his head. He only has 7 levels of wizard and 11 rogue now so maybe you are mixing him up with Wizard 14/ Fighter 1? Maybe read my previous post again?

    Also, I only used druidic transformation in 8 chambers. Did you read my post? The reason to use it in 8 chambers is enemy monks resist your spells and you have no gear. A dire bear can slaughter in 8 chambers because so much strength and base damage compared to naked.

    This is the first time I have not started with 6 man team. My observation is that it helped my interest because something novel is added every so often. I think in the past my getting tired was related to other factors than tinkering with tactics. And indeed in the past I got tired often of playing yet this is my FIRST time adding other players and I have made it to the Dragons Eye. Therefore it's not reasonable to call tiredness as due to adding because the times I got tired of game I did NOT add. There are probably multiple factors why I would get tired. Most every video game I get tired in the middle. Witcher 1 for example I have played multiple times up to beating the Kikimore queen and then I always quit eventually. Some other games it really depends I could talk an hour on it. Now reading that don't assume I never complete a game just because typically I restart. I think it's due to my personality and mental status which I won't go into. Also I know people here are fans myself included but a handful of people I've talked to about IWD2 say it kind of drags on. And on and on. You get the idea. I watched a youtube of Josh Sawyer (the designer of IWD2 and PoE) talk about it and he even felt the game drags on and regretted that somewhat if I recall right.
  8. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    Abandon a game usually reflect some innate problem in playing that game, most in gameplay. You are tired of your current game so you restart. If there's no problem, if you are not tired, why would you restart when you can just replace that character with another. The modify party feature is just sitting there. I wont comment on Mr Josh balance-is-everything Sawyer. Witcher? It's a different game of different subgenre, not Icewind Dale.

    When they say it drag on and on, while it's true, it's also mean they dont play very well. Why would you let yourself be dragged into every little fight in the map when you can just run and draw them back to your party, with a battlefield fully prepared (web, grease, entangle...) The key to enjoy IWD2 is organize a massive fight, with 6man+3-4summons versus tens of hostiles. if I can drag the whole map into one fight it would be happy hour. Unfortunately there's no such map, River Cave exclude.
    (Monastery? Unfornately some monks stay in their room and not join the fight. It's fiddly clean them up).
    Your rogue. After backstabing did you stand and fight or did you run back to your party drawing a train of enemies? And in running like that your waiting casters will have a hard time throwing spells not to hit your rogue (moving targets, difference time in flight of the animation of the spells...). That's what I mean changing from backstab into wizard bombardment, the difficulty and the disrupt factor.

    Monks in Eight Chambers? I dont say it's easy, but it's not that hard for an effective build. The key is a full buffs, AND good build.

    F4C or F4Pa? He has enough BAB to hit monks, enough HP to last the battle, and enough damage (polearm) to finish it fast. the paladin mix has better defense to trade hits.
  9. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    I think you missed the point that I abandon a lot of games. Sometimes I come back to them. For example I have a half play through of Pillars of Eternity and many other games. I would say different strokes for different folks.

    For the backstabber I am not obliged to backstab on every encounter. Just when it makes sense. I would say again different strokes for different folks. If you enjoy entangle "kill zones" then go for it. I find it ridiculous you tell other single player gamers how they should play their own dang game. Also backstabber can wear a ring of freedom of movement and then you cast mirror image backstab and attract all the enemy and then put entangle, web, grease on his head but he has ring of freedom of movement.

    Why mention 8 chambers? Again different strokes for different folks. Why tell people in a single player game a build they need in 8 chambers when they have already described in their post that they have easily beaten it?

    Ok and now a side note from the game. You seem to be that guy that has to always "one up" someone and tell them how they should play their game. I don't mind sharing strategies but you seem to me like that superior guy that advises everyone even though he doesn't really read their posts because he is busy thinking of how to "one up" them rather than reading their post. This is a game and it's fun. It's not a competition for who has the best party or strategy.
  10. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
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    May 7, 2005
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    A good game will have more than one way to win, but there is nothing wrong with making suggestions on more effective ways to do something with a given style.
  11. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    You are making me itching to reply "but I totally dont read your post at all. Not one word of it." Is it that important to you to repeat that line, that I didnt read your post? Is it?? Well no, I totally dont read one letter of your post. Not at all. I have no idea what you are talking about. Also Who I am replying to? Air? Speaking to the air is not a healthy habit though I did it daily~
  12. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    Well, one snarky comment deserves another.
    You forgot about the Palisade Battle, the Shangarn Bridge battle, pretty much all of the Horde Fortress maps from the outside to the top, and the exterior of the Ice Temple where you confront Sherical. There if you rush to Sherical she will call every enemy still alive on the map to the battle. If you head there right away you can get mobbed by everyone in a big battle.
    Several of the maps on the road to the Shangarn Bridge can get you drawing everyone into one big battle. Your first encounter with wererats for instance.
  13. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    When I define fights, I mean a battle where after you kill the last one no more will swarm toward you even if you wait until ten rounds later.

    From the entirety of Insane run, and a part of Heart of Fury.

    The first major battle that you can say it without laughing out loud is The Fortress Courtyard. Nearly 30 hostiles at average party level 20, which is the maximum spawn rate, and will ALL swarm toward you at first sign of trouble.

    Going backward, the two warren levels are still at least 3 medium-ish fights.
    Take level 2 for example, you have (the entry zone to the 1st drum as one group if you bash them, or three if you are careful) , (the entire left side map up to the half goblin guarding), (the small group guarding the fire beetle prison), (the group beyond the animal pen up to the half goblin guarding), (the dekanter goblin group) and (the two groups guarding the dekanter) which can be one or two fight depend on how you deal with Yquog.
    Level 1 is about the same.
    The Fortress' outside is also same. The entire left side is divided into two different groups. The big island are three groups discount the backdoor guards. The Fortress gate group. And the bad part is that they do NOT swarm toward trouble, you have to go find them yourselves.
    The Siege? 3 distinct group~ Entry force, the northeast group after the cutscene of Caballus break the wall, and the door assault group.
    The Bridge scene with Xuki? No. Bridge defenders wont swarm out if you avoid the area in front of the bridgehead (go leftside). The right side also can be divided into at least two medium fights, aka they, all, wont swarm toward signs of battle. it's a design to prevent players use decoys to lead bridge defenders away and thus weaken the force, lessen the difficulty.

    Going forward the Andora area can be divided into at least three medium battle: Around the beetle nest, around the giants throwing stone, and on the ledge toward Andora. The Ice Temple exterior and interior is also same, if only because of the maze-like nature of the place~

    And how the hell do you rush to Sherincal anyway? We have to go all over the map to trigger the stone trap, lead the Remorhaz first, in which case we clean up about most of the mobile hostiles. There's a few left behind closed door but they wont go out anyway.

    Continue on to the River Cave, sure it's one battle map, but with as few hostiles as that was, hah.

    On and on toward the Monastery building. It should be a major battle based on number of monks, but the doors limit them moving on, so it's not that major~

    Beyond the 8 chambers to the tomb with 4 golems: at least two battles.

    Underdark with Malavon: while it's wide, there are many distinct group that wont swarm toward you. The Elderbrain's maze is divided into at least 3 groups: around the entry, around the exit, and protect the elder brain.

    They only look like a big major fight because you let your group dragged into continuous little fights all over the place. Which tired the mind~
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
  14. claudius Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Jan 10, 2007
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    Yay I completed my playthrough! Was second time I completed the entire game if I recall. Party worked fine though I was not playing on hard difficulty or anything.
  15. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    Now with your loots, you can try fighting Heart of Fury mode. It will change a lot of your tactic but it's a fun tactical challenge~

    To export items, get them out of the bags of holdings, cases... before doing. Also bring a lot of high pricing items to sell for the HoF items on sale in Targos. You will sell for a boatload of money, then spend most of it to buy Golden Heart of Charname, kegslaying polearm, and goblin slayer dagger, at least~

    There's no such thing as too much loot to sell in Heart of Fury Targos
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