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Antidepressant meds and you...

Discussion in 'Alley of Dangerous Angles' started by Kitrax, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Taza

    Taza Weird Modmaker Veteran

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Depression as in the mood is a whole different thing to depression as in the disorder.

    You don't have an informed opinion. You're entirely clueless to what major depression is. The chances of the Peter Pan approach working are about identical with placebo - that is, not exactly much.

    Also, how do you know who awarded you the rep, given you're not a SPS account holder?
    Kitrax likes this.
  2. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    If I was familiar with you in the real world, say friends, and if you continually told me you were depressed, I would ask, why are you depressed? With an honest answer, I would be the 1st to try and help you. If you don't answer that question or ever seek out help, then yes, I would stop associating with you. If you think your clinically depressed and know it, but don't make any effort to fix it other than perpetually complaining about it, yes, I would have issue with you and disassociate myself from the relationship. If you don't want to fix yourself, how I can I help you?

    ---------- Added 0 hours, 1 minutes and 59 seconds later... ----------

  3. 8people

    8people 8 is just another way of looking at infinite ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran

    Apr 20, 2002
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    [​IMG] The problems are with the people who aren't diagnosed with depression and aren't diagnosed because they probably DON'T have it.

    It's when you start whining and crying like a little yappy dog that nobody helps you and you have this terrible, fictitious, condition... when it suits you... or when you can't be bothered to put in a little effort to get work done. When you need the help of everyone around you to do simple tasks but as soon as an opportunity to really help yourself pops up you decide you like being waited on more than sorting yourself out.

    It's the people who go to a therapist just to say they do, or just whine and rant and rave to someone who gets paid for the privelege to listen to that crap. NOT the people who go there to sort things out.

    I was made to go to a therapist for years after being diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, and know that myself would not find a therapist beneficial. I find a lot of their tactics and training are aimed at thought processes which simply don't match my own or I find their compound ridiculous and trivial. They may help some people, but I do not believe they are a widespread solution and certainly not for years at a time. If they can help, great, but that's all they are - a little help.
  4. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    I'm sorry Taza, I missed the part where I was discussing someone with major depression. :rolleyes: I thought we were discussing depression in general. I am informed, I just don't agree with you and some others here. Clueless? I don't think so.
  5. Saber

    Saber A revolution without dancing is not worth having! Veteran

    Dec 2, 2004
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    But I don't complain perpetually. In fact, I don't talk about it at all, I just feel like crap and deal with it, albeit not very well. I do want it to get fixed, but I don't seek help because I would rather do it myself.
  6. Taza

    Taza Weird Modmaker Veteran

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Did you think that people get prescribed antidepressants for merely being sad?

    As far as I remember everyone else in this thread is talking about depressive disorders - SAD, major depression, bipolar.

    Clueless is a mild word.
  7. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Saber, if your trying to deal with it, that is excellent. And the point. In the past, it has worked for me and others that I am close to. It just takes time.

    ---------- Added 0 hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds later... ----------

    Obviously your not from America, many get depression meds for being sad. That's a problem here. Lots of doctors write prescriptions for things their patients don't need, all they have to do is complain and voila, prescription is yours. Is all about getting disability to avoid working for a living. Again, clueless? Please. And your qualifications are?
  8. Rahkir

    Rahkir Cogito, ergo doleo

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Are you insinuating then, that you are qualified to determine who has a 'medical' condition and who just needs to suck it up? I know that I am definitely not qualified to make any such assertion, and even from a person who is -- they should take the time to actually figure out what happened/is happening to said person before chalking it up as a medical condition or simply being weak-willed.

    I'm not going to ask you to state your experiences here; but, there is a big different from being sad, for days, or even weeks, and being clinically depressed. When you say everyone has, at some point in their lives, dealt with depression. To me, that says you're using a different definition of depression from me, and probably most other people here.

    I'll share a little story about myself as an example; I had a very controlling mother. She homeschooled me from 7th grade until I graduated highschool. Never letting me socialize, never letting me have friends; I was lonely, and alone. For five years as a teenager. When I moved out on my own I had no idea how to socialize with people, I had a horrible self image from the insults I took at the hands of my family. I spent all my nights alone in my apartment; alone with no one to talk to. You sound like you have a family who was there for you, Blades, someone to talk to about things. I had no one to talk to, nowhere left to turn, I was at rock bottom feeling miserable every day, dragging myself out of bed to work. Obviously, I knew what I wanted to do to be happy, have some human contact; but I felt so horrible about myself, most of the time I felt like no one would want to spend time with me in any case. Knowing what you should do, and knowing how to do it are two separate things. In that situation, I honestly don't think I could have simply 'forced' myself to get better and be happy. When I finally convinced myself to go to therapy, I didn't instantly get better, but... without that guidance and help, without that outlet to get my 'feelings' into, I probably would have ended up taking my life. (Which is a whole separate topic for another time) And yes, I did end up taking anti-depressants, they do wonders for getting you out of that awful slump so you can take the steps to rehabilitation! :D I ended up going to college and having a very fulfilling social life with all the ups and downs that other people felt with their relationships. Despite all this, I don't think I am any less "normal" than you. (Aside from the fact that this is akin to saying a snowflake is normal like any other snowflake.)

    Point of the example: people who struggle for years for whatever reason, are different from people who struggle for weeks or months. I'm not saying everyone hasn't felt very sad at some point in their life, but the difference here is not simply "sad" vs "medically unstable." It is "extremely sad for awhile" vs. "extremely sad for years." I don't think the only variable in those two situations is that in the first case the person has a miraculously stronger will than the person in the second example. I'm probably not going to change your mind about anything, Blades, as you seem pretty set in your views (which isn't always a bad thing) but you should try to see it from another point of view for awhile.

    Though, on topic, I don't recall the name of the drug I took.

    And kudos Kitrax for having the courage to be open about yourself on the Boards o' Magick :D You don't know me, but I know the courage it takes to initially open up about things like this, *hugshugs* Keep on being awesomer-er ;)

    Edit- Apologies for my overlapping of things previously said as I was writing my post. I'm a slow typist XD
  9. Taza

    Taza Weird Modmaker Veteran

    Oct 23, 2002
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    And you're the supreme judge of who has and who doesn't have a mental disorder?

    Actually suffering from depression? Actually knowing what it's like?
  10. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Why do you continually put words in my mouth? I never said I was a supreme judge of anything. Nor would I. You are completely misreading me Taza. I stated my opinion. An opinion based on experience. If my experience was different than yours and I came out with a different outlook, it doesn't make me wrong. It's my opinion. MY opinion.

    If you suffer from depression and can't fix it yourself, then go to a doctor. That is NOT what i've been saying. I was initially referring to those who use depression as an excuse, the mood as you say, not those who actually have it. Remind me not to assume or expect the worse in everyone as you do. I remember a time when I use to do that, it was when I felt depressed and thought nothing would ever go my way. I'm glad I don't have that outlook nowadays, life is mush easier when your happy.

    ---------- Added 0 hours, 6 minutes and 10 seconds later... ----------

    This thread was started by somone stating what was going on in their life. If they didn't want opinions or support, I would think they would of never started the thread in the 1st place. Do you think this forum is full of shrinks? I don't. They were looking for advice/opinions from those who have experienced it themselves. I gave mine. You don't have to agree with it, but don't come down on me for giving my own opinion. That is what the forums are all about, especially the alleys. Do I think I am informed on the subject? As much as anyone else that doesn't practice, as I have experienced 1st hand throughout the last 15 years of my life with myself or other loved ones. I choose to keep the details to myself. In that respect, I'm not courageous.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  11. NOG (No Other Gods)

    NOG (No Other Gods) Going to church doesn't make you a Christian

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Blades, I didn't tell you to shut up because of your opinions, but because you were blatantly insulting and belittling people with serious problems. Your comments were on par with telling a recent victim of a rape to "just get over it".

    As for my own experience, I suffer from minor forms of several disorders I inherited from my parents. ADHD and numeric dyslexia from my father, and chronic depression from my mother. Neither are severe enough in me to be diagnosable as a mental disorder, but all are noticeable to the people who know me. My depression, however, is quite minor. I can control it with some vitamin supplements and ginseng tea, which boost metabolism. Beyond that, I've seen my mother struggle with real depression for years, and I've watched my father decline into his ADHD because his Glaucoma medicine is contra-indicated for ADHD medications. He had to choose: go blind or loose his ability to focus in the evenings.

    To that degree I agree with you. Your tone to date, however, indicates you believe that to be pretty much everyone who sees a shrink, when in fact it's a pretty small number.

    Ah, sorry, not me. Don't know who it was, but guess again.

    And this is what made me react the way I have. No. Just no. Not everyone deals with clinical depression. Everyone deals with sadness, but comparing the two is like comparing a minor allergy attack with a full-blown flu. Sure, the symptoms may be similar, but the scale and nature are worlds apart.

    Either not mine or someone impersonating me. I never sign my rep.

    Maybe this is the problem: that we're talking about two completely different topics. I think everyone else here is talking about the clinical problem, not some emotion.
  12. Rahkir

    Rahkir Cogito, ergo doleo

    Dec 20, 2007
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    He started the forum with a simple question, and a simple premise "What drugs have you taken, if any?" I didn't see him ask anywhere to be scrutinized, but he did share his story, so comments on it where to be expected. Still, sometimes it's good to know when to keep your opinions to yourself out of respect.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't post, as I generally enjoy reading your posts, as in the discussion about the law suit against McDonalds or red light/speed trap cams. But, you yourself say you are not courageous enough to share your story. Which is perfectly acceptable, and I'm sure you have your reasons. I have things about myself I don't want to share either. But, if you did come to a forum and decided to post those details about your life that you had previously chosen to keep to yourself; would you not expect others to be courteous of you and at least keep their opinions to themselves if it is not something nice? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you would be insulted as well if someone criticized the way you dealt with something very hard for you, or if they said you weren't a 'normal' person, right? I think the old saying comes into play here; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! As everyone can see from your other posts you're perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation without running over someone's feelings. ;)

    On a side note, I was never trying to come down on you or say the way you deal with problems is wrong. Only that, I think you're comparing a hammer and nails with a screw driver and screws; each work well in different situations. Dealing with problems on your own is a preferable choice to complaining about, and trying to 'cash in' on them without trying to deal with your problems. But, it's not the only way, or the only right way - and dealing with problems in a different way doesn't necessarily make it the 'wrong way.' I don't see anything wrong with the way you or Kitrax deal with problems, and I didn't see Kitrax ever say the way you dealt with problems was wrong or weak; the only person I saw disapproving of a method was you.
  13. T2Bruno

    T2Bruno The only source of knowledge is experience Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 12, 2004
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    Blades, my gentle advice is to take a deep breath and walk away. Right now you're in a lose-lose argument. I may get a negative hit for this as well, but I can see your point. I said earlier that I believe far too many people prescribed anti-depressants are really not to the point of needing medication. There are many other factors in a person's life that can help to reduce stress and relieve depression (mild depression for those of you who want to nit pick) -- proper diet, exercise, quitting smoking, reduce alcohol consumption are all places to start. I also realize many people do not want to put forth the effort to do those things and help themselves.

    My mother was diagnosed with severe postnatal depression -- but back then the only thing they gave was valium. She became addicted. She found the doctors and pharmacies who would give her multiple perscriptions without checking each other's records. To be honest, I don't ever remember a time when my mother wasn't high. Needless to say life with a drug addict had a profound effect on me and my siblings. None of us will take prescription medicines unless we're dying it seems.

    My daughter, on the other hand, is a hypochondriac. She suffers from mild depression and is slightly bipolar -- but when you combine those with hypochondria you can have nearly deadly results. Every time she feels a little stressed it's a panic attack and she has to go to the hospital. If she thinks she has a condition she'll look it up on the internet and then develop the missing symptoms over the next few days. In her case, she has her councilors completely fooled and they continue to treat these non-existent symptoms -- which is really messing her up more. It's heartbreaking to watch.

    We live in a world where it's easier to give our children a pill rather than listen to them and take them to a ball game or rollerskating. Parents give the little boy running around the house and jumping off the furniture Ritalin instead of taking him to the park. Teachers are quick to advise parents about ADHD for children who are simply active and the teacher is too lazy to keep the child engaged -- he/she would rather that child drugged and quiet.

    In spite of all that, I know there are people who absolutely need a little help (the right help) to go through a tramatic time in their lives or even to have a normal life. Here's the rub, Blades, your statements were so generalized that you lumped all these people together -- even if you didn't mean to (and I know you stated that in some of your later posts).
  14. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    That comparison is completely unfair, as I never insinuated anything of the sort, nor would I.

    No, I don't believe it's all, but in my experiences of those that I know closely who have gone there, in which I have gone with for support, the outcomes were either A) They never needed it in the 1st place or B) After many sessions, their problems got more complicated. Never resulting in maker the situation better.

    You are probably right here, we do have different opinions on depression, but I think you are also right in saying we talking about different levels.

    ---------- Added 0 hours, 23 minutes and 44 seconds later... ----------

    T2, Thanks I really appreciate the support. But your right, I think I said my peace and made my apologies to Kit, so I'm done here.

    And one last thing...

    Kit, I really wasn't trying to belittle you or anyone else on these boards as NOG has stated. I hope you realize that.
  15. Fabius Maximus Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Didn't read the whole thread, so if I repeat something, never mind.

    The point in taking anti-depressants is that you only shoul.d take them if you're going to therapy. Else. they usually don't help much, as they don't fix your condition, only cover up the symptoms.

    And yes, depression is a medical condition, as it represents a chemical imbalance in the brain. It doesn't matter what caused this imbalance.

    @Kitrax: The adverse effects you described are odd, since you encountered them after a month. Isn't it usually the case that they come up first, before the real effect of the drug sets in?
  16. Taza

    Taza Weird Modmaker Veteran

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Wrong on two counts.

    First of all, medication can also be given as a stopgap measure - I'm taking anti-depressants without even any talk of therapy because everyone involved knows therapy would be utterly worthless. They're improving my condition while I'm working on the real problems - but therapy nor introspection it ain't, and neither can help any.

    Also, some adverse effects take time to set in. Especially the one Kitrax described.
  17. NOG (No Other Gods)

    NOG (No Other Gods) Going to church doesn't make you a Christian

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Fabius, it all depends on the medication, but as I understand it side effects usually occur at the same time or after the primary effects of a drug.

    As for therapy, I wouldn't have a problem with someone who's diagnosed with a persistent chemical imbalance not attending therapy while on anti-depressants. My mother doesn't. She does regularly check in with her psychiatrist, but that's basically a 5 minute "How's it working for you? Are you noticing any side effects? Is it still working effectively (people can build up resistances over long periods of time)?" Maybe the psychiatrist will want to try something new (as in the original example I posted) in hopes it will work better, but it's not therapy.

    If you are experiencing depression for a reason, then you're right, the drugs will only mask the symptom, not cure the disease. If it's a persistent imbalance, the symptom is the disease, simple as that.
  18. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Thanks! I believe I shall! :grin:
    Well...if you knew the full story, you'd know my wife and I separated...so Kitrax Jr. didn't get any attention for awhile. Once things started to get better, and it was time for Jr. to preform....he...uhhhhh.....didn't. :bad:

    Now that I'm off Celexa and on Wellbutrin, Kit Jr. preforms at 110%! :bigeyes:
    Wellbutrin isn't without its side effects either, my hands tremble now...it's only noticeable if I hold a pen horizontal...but I can feel it, and it's mildly annoying. However, I feel that the pro's far outweigh the con's.
  19. Saber

    Saber A revolution without dancing is not worth having! Veteran

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Trembling hands for a rock hard [MUG-content]? Doesn't sound like too bad of a trade off...
  20. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Not bad at all! :thumb:

    Actually, I can see it as a positive...my hands now feature a built-in vibrator!!! :bigeyes:
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