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Improved invisibility spell?

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by samritar, Jan 8, 2003.

  1. samritar Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Dec 17, 2002
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    I cant seem to find it anywhere. The only place I've seen it is as a healing purchase option. Where do you get it?
  2. Anakha the Almighty Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2020
  3. Necrophex Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Dec 17, 2002
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    It's a level 5 wizard/sorcerer spell. I think maybe some cleric domain spells also.
  4. Anakha the Almighty Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Demarch of Mask (cleric domain), has improved invisibility as domain spell.
  5. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Saw this topic and hoped I'd find an answer, but 17 years later, and no luck. I'm playing the original 2.01 version with no mods. I've just done the chambers under the Black Raven monastery, and so far, have not run across the Improved Invisibility spell for my wizard. He's level 12, and I'm wondering how a level 4 spell like this hasn't shown up yet.
  6. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    One guide says you can find it in for sale in Kuldahar in Orrick's Tower.
    I thought I had it by the time I got into the Ice Temple, so maybe from the werewolves, the druids, or that spider-riding gnome as well?
  7. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Thanks for responding. Druids and werewolves didn't have it, neither did Zack. Kuldahar's later in the game.
  8. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    I'm going to have to check with a new playthrough, because I swear I recall using it in the ice temple. I just don't recall where I got the scroll and the guides aren't helping. Agent Ransack only found the mention of Kuldahar when I searched the downloaded guides (none of which were downloaded after 2010).
    Maybe I'll be lucky and I still have my old saves from a previous game and I can just work backwards loading various saves until I figure out where I picked it up.

    Of course, I could be confusing the wizard with the sorcerer, who has no such restrictions and thus I used a sorcerer in the ice temple to cast Improved Invisibility on the multiclass thief (can't recall what I multiclassed with, could be a fighter, ranger, monk, or even more rarely a barbarian, but sneak attack works great combined with melee types along with the thief-only feats related to sneak attacks).
    Not sure how much time I have to do that. I'm reading Frank Heberts' Dune for the first time, but had to get an intra-library loan for the large type version as my library's version uses some of the smallest text I've seen outside a shrink-wrapped software EULA or the warnings and directions on an over-the-counter pill bottle (ex 24 pills of Tylenol) . It's almost 1,000 pages and I only have 2 weeks to read it.
    So more book reading, less gaming until Halloween.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  9. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Eyes aging and publishers making print smaller over the years, to economize, is a bad combination. That's one nice thing about e-books, you set your own type size. I read Dune when it came out, and some of the sequels. I lost interest after the first three or four, though I remember really liking the first one.

    I'm thinking to check some playthroughs on youtube. I looked at one, but it had a bard using the spell, which wasn't any help. I'm wondering if wizards just didn't get the spell, or got in only in HoF.

  10. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
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    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    The Dune book at AHML has unusually small text. The book I checked out before Dune (Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card, somehow I missed that book when I read the rest of the Ender series back in 2013) has text in a perfectly readable size. I grabbed a few random books off my shelf and could read them with no problem. Dune on the other hand has tiny text. Looks like 6-point text, or on my ancient ImageWriter II text size chart, 15-17 characters per inch and 8 lines per inch. I took it back and requested the large type version, which looks like 14 or 16 point text. However they had to do an inter-library loan. Then again I'm bad at estimating point size, and that chart I mentioned shows an optical illusion that explains the problem. The 4 characters per inch and 8 lines per inch text at the top (2nd line) of the chart looks taller than the 17 characters per inch and 6 lines per inch at the bottom even though it is the other way around. Using a ruler proves that it's just an optical illusion, but I couldn't do a printed ruler when I made the chart 30-some years ago (and never bothered to remove it from the cabinet door on my desk's hutch after all these years).
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
  11. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Small world (goes with the small type, I guess). Your library is in the same area linkin system as mine -- Cook Memorial.
  12. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    That's a really funny coincidence, The sticker on the book and the stamp on the pages says that the inter-library loan came from Cook Memorial. If I'm reading this right this is what I borrowed via the loan, although the due date is odd.
    The actual book I'm reading.

    Odd it would be called that as I just looked it up and I thought that place was in Lake County, being north of Lake-Cook Road aka County Line Road. Then again, I don't know the borders that well.
  13. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Yeah, that's the first time I've seen a strange due date like that.

    For libraries in our system, I use linkin and request materials directly. I also check the system that has the Des Plaines public library. Those two systems seem to cover about all the libraries in the area. Cards from any of the area libraries seem to be good in both systems, and requests can be made for pickup at any library on a system's list. I don't recall, but I may have had to go to a library in the other system to register my card first. I'll go to interlibrary loan last, if neither system has what I'm looking for. Obviously, I use public libraries a lot.

    I've had materials from Arlington Heights library before. Good to see you're doing your part to help maintain the cosmic balance.

    Cook library is named after the guy who donated the land for it, way back when. It covers Libertyville, Green Oaks, parts of Vernon Hills, and some unincorporated areas.
  14. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    I wasn't aware of the second system being an option, but the large type in the other system was "unavailable", and so I asked somebody at the library how to put a hold on the large type version. They actually did all the work. Then again, I've rarely needed inter-library loans.
    Although the part about our cards being good at any area library has been true for 30 years. The Rolling Meadows Library is along a bike-only route from my mother's house to my [former] high school. Back in the mid '90s I used to stop there for books on the way home as the Arlington Heights library was the other way (east instead of south-west). Granted, the AHML is only 1.25 miles from my mom's house, but if I had to pass the Rolling Meadows library to get to school, why not?
    In fact, the library is right at the start of a bike/foot trail that connects a string of parks that runs along Salt Creek, and the trail ends right across the street from the high school.
    I'm not sure if doing that counts as an inter-library loan, but I don't think I've checked anything out from Rolling Meadows since 1997.
  15. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    To use our system, I go to https://www.linkin-libraries.org/ for a search, and request an item. For the other system, I go to the Des Plaines library catalog for my search and request; it can show everything in their system, but they haven't been getting books from other libraries since COVID. For ILL, there's a different procedure, on Cook's web site.

    I'll ride to different libraries (or their bookmobiles), too, and cut out the middle man, when I feel like it. It's handy.

    I 'm thinking that the Improved Invisibility spell isn't something my wizard is going to find in IWD2. Maybe it's because of where I set the difficulty slider (Normal), or because I'm not in HoF mode. I wanted it to get past the Iron Golems, but I managed without it.
  16. Jamesworkshop Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    May 21, 2018
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    Improved invisibilty is a possible rank 4 award from Battlesquares.

    Zack (has a missing pet spider and was trapped in the Rehmoraz)
    Sheemish's should also sell it in chapter 6 but just buy it from Zack.

    Imp invis is a level 4 spell so a lvl 8 sorcerer could have it by the ice temple just from spell selection.

    Iron golems fall pretty quickly to mordenkainen sword and you avoid the fog / their powerful melee hits, or just beat them with the +3 weapons from the Drow. they are worth truck loads of XP to just be skipped over.

    Some Battle Square rank weapons are also capable of doing damage to them.

    golems have a flat 15 damage resistance to any +1/2 weapons, Potion of Absorption from Oswalds ship and a few other places makes it harder for them to hit you with their crushing attacks.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
  17. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    That guide on where scrolls are located is really incomplete and outdated.
    I thought it was available for sale outside the Ice Temple, but I just couldn't recall where and lost my saves.
    Oh, and sorry for derailing the thread.
  18. Jamesworkshop Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    May 21, 2018
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    I used near infinity to scout Imp.invis and checked in game with the movetoarea"xxxx" command
    I knew it was in that area but I've never paid huge amounts of attention to spell scrolls in detail, I've never really found myself missing any.

    Battlesquares does have some nice scrolls if you reload for them but it's a bit of a waste as you probably won't be the right level until where you normally would find them anyway.

    Except maybe a solo Wizard might like it.
  19. wrangler Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jan 3, 2019
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    I did all 10 levels of the squares but didn't get that spell.

    I checked Zack's inventory at different times, he never had it.

    I phrased that poorly about the Iron Golems -- I "got past" them by killing them.

    I searched through several walkthroughs for that spell, nobody shows it until Chapter 6.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2020
  20. Jamesworkshop Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    May 21, 2018
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    you'd have to reset many times to get it, i'm sure you already brought it and didn't notice because he absolutly sells it



    One thing I've not tried myself is that I understand that the game is a bit bugged in the UI and the spellbook can only hold 25 spells per level, normally this isn't a problem in practice because their aren't enough spells in most levels to go over 25 anyway. (plus some just aren't worth it or are part of a specialist wizards restrictions)

    Spell level 2,4,6 are the only ones that have over 25 possible spells to learn.

    Imp.Invis is a level 4 spell so you might have overridden it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2020
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