

The listing here is mainly for enemy AI scripters who wish to see which immunities they may have to take into account. The two big tables at the end are a selection based on an extract of the game's files (kindly generated by FSR using the Near Infinity code base). Since they were mostly automatically generated, they should be pretty complete. I've narrowed the extraction down to immunities relevant to enemy AI scripting, meaning immunities that can be used by the party or their summons. Should you be interested in the original (unformatted) extraction (for party AI scripting or just for the sake of overcompleteness), you may find it here (right-click to download).

Using this listing, it should be reasonably easy to find out which items or spells can counter your critters' powers. Immunities can be bestowed by spells, activated abilities of items, permanent abilities of equipped items or be possessed by certain creatures naturally. The file type lists the source of the immunity; creature, item or spell.

Note that many spells are not normally detectable by scripts. Scripters are advised to install one of the many versions of Detectable Spells.

An example of how to use this listing:
Suppose you wish to script a mage using Maze in a manner befitting of his 18 Intelligence. Looking at the Immunity to effect table we can tell that the various rage abilities provide immunity to the Maze effect, and also that the Aerial Servant summon is innately immune to it.

Looking down the Immunity to spell table we can tell that Mordenkainen's Swords are immune to the Maze spell specifically, and also that activating the Greenstone Amulet, drinking a Potion of Clarity, wielding the Psion's Blade +5 or Chaotic Commands will make one immune.

Since an intelligent mage should be aware of at least some of these immunities, you can use various combinations of Race(), CheckStat(), StateCheck() and HasItemEquiped() checks to filter out immune creatures when looking for a suitable target to cast Maze on.

A note about "immortal" creatures:
Creatures with one of the MINHP flag items cannot be killed through normal means. However, almost all of those creatures are vulnerable to Mind Flayer "brain drain". Use Shapechange (or Limited Wish) if you plan to kill immortals. Warning: this may ruin some quests or plots; be sure you know what you are doing.

Spell Immunity

This table shows items that provide immunity to spells of the specified level or lower.

Immunity to level 5 spells prevents Breach from dispelling combat protections.

Spell Level

Weapon Immunity

The following items provide immunity to weapons of the specified enchantment strength (the "+"-s) or lower. Weapon enchantment 0 means normal (unenchanted) weapons.

Weapon Enchantment
IMMUNE"X" "X" - 1
SPEC02 0
TROLLALL Protection from Normal Missiles

Immunity to effect (101)

Effect Name File Type File ResRef File Name
Blindness (74) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Blindness (74) ITM NPMISC1 Jansen Spectroscopes
Break morale (106) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Break morale (106) ITM BRDFLUTE Magic Flute
Break morale (106) ITM HELM14 Kiel's Helmet
Break morale (106) ITM RING95 Ring
Break morale (106) ITM VAMPREG  
Break morale (106) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Break morale (106) SPL SPCL222 Remove Fear
Break morale (106) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Break morale (106) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Break morale (106) SPL SPIN676 Invoke Courage
Break morale (106) SPL SPIN891 Moon Dog Howl
Break morale (106) SPL SPPR108 Remove Fear
Break morale (106) SPL SPWI210 Resist Fear
Charm creature (5) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Charm creature (5) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Charm creature (5) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Charm creature (5) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Charm creature (5) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Charm creature (5) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Charm creature (5) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Charm creature (5) ITM HELM06 Helm of Charm Protection
Charm creature (5) ITM MISCBC Blackrazor
Charm creature (5) ITM NPCHAN Corthala Family Armor
Charm creature (5) ITM POTN21 Potion of Clarity
Charm creature (5) ITM REAVER Unholy Reaver
Charm creature (5) ITM RING95 Ring
Charm creature (5) ITM RING98 Ring
Charm creature (5) ITM RINGDEMN  
Charm creature (5) ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Charm creature (5) ITM SPER07 Spear of the Unicorn +2
Charm creature (5) ITM STAF11 Staff of the Magi
Charm creature (5) ITM STALKER Ring
Charm creature (5) ITM SW1H35 Adjatha The Drinker +2
Charm creature (5) ITM SW1H54 The Equalizer
Charm creature (5) ITM SW2H14 Lilarcor
Charm creature (5) ITM VAMPREG  
Charm creature (5) ITM VAMPREG1  
Charm creature (5) ITM VAMPREG2  
Charm creature (5) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Charm creature (5) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Charm creature (5) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Charm creature (5) SPL SPIN121 Protection From Evil
Charm creature (5) SPL SPIN783 Slayer Change
Charm creature (5) SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Charm creature (5) SPL SPIN852 Slayer Change
Charm creature (5) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Charm creature (5) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Confusion (128) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Confusion (128) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Confusion (128) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Confusion (128) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Confusion (128) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Confusion (128) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Confusion (128) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Confusion (128) ITM LEAT20 Aeger's Hide +3
Confusion (128) ITM POTN21 Potion of Clarity
Confusion (128) ITM RING94 Ring
Confusion (128) ITM RING95 Ring
Confusion (128) ITM RING98 Ring
Confusion (128) ITM RING99 Ring
Confusion (128) ITM RINGDEMN  
Confusion (128) ITM SHARARM Darkmail +3
Confusion (128) ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Confusion (128) ITM STALKER Ring
Confusion (128) ITM SW1H54 The Equalizer
Confusion (128) ITM SW2H14 Lilarcor
Confusion (128) ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Confusion (128) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Confusion (128) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Confusion (128) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Confusion (128) SPL SPIN783 Slayer Change
Confusion (128) SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Confusion (128) SPL SPIN852 Slayer Change
Confusion (128) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Damage (12) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Deafness (80) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Disease (78) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Disease (78) ITM MISC8J Boots of the West
Disease (78) ITM RING39 Ring of Gaxx
Disintegrate (238) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Disintegrate (238) ITM SW1H71 Hindo's Doom +4
Disintegrate (238) SPL BALTH02 Lunar Stance!
Disintegrate (238) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Disintegrate (238) SPL SPPR409 Death Ward
Disintegrate (238) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Entangle overlay (154) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Entangle overlay (154) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Entangle overlay (154) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Entangle overlay (154) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Entangle overlay (154) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Entangle overlay (154) ITM RING97 Ring
Entangle overlay (154) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Entangle overlay (154) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Entangle overlay (154) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Entangle overlay (154) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Entangle overlay (154) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM RING94 Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM RING95 Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM RING98 Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM RING99 Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM STALKER Ring
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM VAMPREG  
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM VAMPREG1  
Fatigue bonus (93) ITM VAMPREG2  
Feeblemindedness (76) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Feeblemindedness (76) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Feeblemindedness (76) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Feeblemindedness (76) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Feeblemindedness (76) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Feeblemindedness (76) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Feeblemindedness (76) ITM POTN21 Potion of Clarity
Feeblemindedness (76) ITM RINGDEMN  
Feeblemindedness (76) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Feeblemindedness (76) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Feeblemindedness (76) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM RING97 Ring
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Grease effect overlay (158) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Grease effect overlay (158) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Grease effect overlay (158) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Hold creature (109) CRE ELEMSUNN Sunnis
Hold creature (109) CRE ELEMZAAM Zaaman Rul
Hold creature (109) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Hold creature (109) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Hold creature (109) ITM ANTIWEB  
Hold creature (109) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Hold creature (109) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Hold creature (109) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Hold creature (109) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Hold creature (109) ITM RING94 Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM RING95 Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM RING97 Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM RING98 Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM RING99 Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Hold creature (109) ITM SPER07 Spear of the Unicorn +2
Hold creature (109) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Hold creature (109) ITM STALKER Ring
Hold creature (109) ITM SW1H27 Arbane's Sword +2
Hold creature (109) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Hold creature (109) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Hold creature (109) ITM TROLLALL Attack
Hold creature (109) ITM VAMPREG  
Hold creature (109) ITM VAMPREG1  
Hold creature (109) ITM VAMPREG2  
Hold creature (109) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Hold creature (109) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Hold creature (109) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Hold creature (109) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Hold creature (109) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Hold creature 2 (185) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Hold creature 2 (185) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Hold creature type (175) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Hold creature type (175) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Hold creature type (175) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Hold creature type (175) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Hold creature type (175) ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Hold creature type (175) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Hold creature type (175) ITM SW1H27 Arbane's Sword +2
Hold creature type (175) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Hold creature type (175) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Hold creature type (175) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Hold creature type (175) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Hold creature type (175) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Hold creature type (175) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Hold creature type (175) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Imprisonment (211) ITM SLAYERWP  
Imprisonment (211) SPL BALTH02 Lunar Stance!
Imprisonment (211) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Imprisonment (211) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Imprisonment (211) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Intelligence bonus (19) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Intoxication bonus (94) ITM SCRL08 Protection from Poison
Kill target (13) CRE CHALRV01 The Ravager
Kill target (13) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Kill target (13) CRE HGMND2 Shambling Mound
Kill target (13) CRE HGMOUND Shambling Mound
Kill target (13) ITM SHARARM Darkmail +3
Kill target (13) ITM SW1H71 Hindo's Doom +4
Kill target (13) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Level drain (216) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Level drain (216) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Level drain (216) CRE FAMCAT25 Cat
Level drain (216) CRE FAMDUS25 Dust Mephit
Level drain (216) CRE FAMFAI25 Fairy Dragon
Level drain (216) CRE FAMFER25 Ferret
Level drain (216) CRE FAMIMP25 Imp
Level drain (216) CRE FAMPSD25 Pseudo Dragon
Level drain (216) CRE FAMQUA25 Quasit
Level drain (216) CRE FAMRAB25 Rabbit
Level drain (216) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Level drain (216) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Level drain (216) ITM AMUL21 Amulet of Power
Level drain (216) ITM BLUN25 Mace of Disruption +2
Level drain (216) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Level drain (216) ITM DEVA Mace of Disruption +2
Level drain (216) ITM HAMM10 Runehammer +4
Level drain (216) ITM HAMM11 Runehammer +5
Level drain (216) ITM HSLAYWPN  
Level drain (216) ITM RING94 Ring
Level drain (216) ITM RING95 Ring
Level drain (216) ITM RING97 Ring
Level drain (216) ITM RING98 Ring
Level drain (216) ITM RING99 Ring
Level drain (216) ITM SLAYERWP  
Level drain (216) ITM STALKER Ring
Level drain (216) ITM SW1H61 Angurvadal +5
Level drain (216) ITM SW1H69 Spectral Brand +5
Level drain (216) ITM VAMPREG  
Level drain (216) ITM VAMPREG1  
Level drain (216) ITM VAMPREG2  
Level drain (216) SPL BALTH02 Lunar Stance!
Level drain (216) SPL BHAAL3A  
Level drain (216) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Level drain (216) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Level drain (216) SPL SPCL741 Boon of Lathander
Level drain (216) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Level drain (216) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Level drain (216) SPL SPIN783 Slayer Change
Level drain (216) SPL SPIN852 Slayer Change
Level drain (216) SPL SPPR413 Negative Plane Protection
Level drain (216) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Maze (213) CRE SERVSU Aerial Servant
Maze (213) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Maze (213) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Maze (213) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Maze (213) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Movementrate bonus (126) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Movementrate bonus (126) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Movementrate bonus (126) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Movementrate bonus (126) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Movementrate bonus (126) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Panic (24) CRE SARVIE01 Viekang
Panic (24) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Panic (24) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Panic (24) ITM BRDFLUTE Magic Flute
Panic (24) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Panic (24) ITM CLCK30 Cloak of Bravery
Panic (24) ITM HAMM11 Runehammer +5
Panic (24) ITM HELM14 Kiel's Helmet
Panic (24) ITM MISCBC Blackrazor
Panic (24) ITM POTN21 Potion of Clarity
Panic (24) ITM RING94 Ring
Panic (24) ITM RING95 Ring
Panic (24) ITM RING98 Ring
Panic (24) ITM RING99 Ring
Panic (24) ITM RINGDEMN  
Panic (24) ITM SHARARM Darkmail +3
Panic (24) ITM STALKER Ring
Panic (24) ITM SW1H32 Dragonslayer
Panic (24) ITM VAMPREG  
Panic (24) ITM VAMPREG1  
Panic (24) ITM VAMPREG2  
Panic (24) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Panic (24) SPL SPCL222 Remove Fear
Panic (24) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Panic (24) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Panic (24) SPL SPIN676 Invoke Courage
Panic (24) SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Panic (24) SPL SPIN891 Moon Dog Howl
Panic (24) SPL SPPR108 Remove Fear
Panic (24) SPL SPWI210 Resist Fear
Panic (24) SPL SPWI411 Emotion
Petrification (134) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Petrification (134) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Petrification (134) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Petrification (134) CRE ELEMSUNN Sunnis
Petrification (134) CRE ELEMZAAM Zaaman Rul
Petrification (134) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Petrification (134) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Petrification (134) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Petrification (134) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Petrification (134) ITM POTN38 Potion of Mirrored Eyes
Petrification (134) ITM RING94 Ring
Petrification (134) ITM RING95 Ring
Petrification (134) ITM RING98 Ring
Petrification (134) ITM RING99 Ring
Petrification (134) ITM SCRL15 Protection from Petrification
Petrification (134) ITM STALKER Ring
Petrification (134) ITM SW1H71 Hindo's Doom +4
Petrification (134) SPL BALTH02 Lunar Stance!
Petrification (134) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Petrification (134) SPL SPWI108 Protection From Petrification
Petrification (134) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Poison (25) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Poison (25) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Poison (25) CRE GOLCLA01 Clay Golem
Poison (25) CRE GOLEM01 Clay Golem
Poison (25) CRE GOLJUG01 Juggernaut Golem
Poison (25) CRE GOLSTO01 Stone Golem
Poison (25) CRE NISHRUSU Nishruu
Poison (25) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Poison (25) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Poison (25) ITM AMUL22 Periapt of Proof Against Poison
Poison (25) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Poison (25) ITM ELEMPRIN  
Poison (25) ITM HELM30 Thieves' Hood
Poison (25) ITM MORSWORD Mordenkainen's Sword
Poison (25) ITM RING39 Ring of Gaxx
Poison (25) ITM RING46 Ring of Anti-Venom
Poison (25) ITM RING94 Ring
Poison (25) ITM RING95 Ring
Poison (25) ITM RING98 Ring
Poison (25) ITM RING99 Ring
Poison (25) ITM RINGDEMN  
Poison (25) ITM SCRL08 Protection from Poison
Poison (25) ITM SHARARM Darkmail +3
Poison (25) ITM STALKER Ring
Poison (25) ITM SW1H34 Albruin +1
Poison (25) ITM VAMPREG  
Poison (25) ITM VAMPREG1  
Poison (25) ITM VAMPREG2  
Poison (25) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Polymorph (135) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Polymorph (135) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Polymorph (135) ITM RINGDEMN  
Polymorph (135) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Power word: Kill (209) ITM SW1H71 Hindo's Doom +4
Power word: Kill (209) SPL SPPR409 Death Ward
Power word: Kill (209) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Power word: Sleep (217) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Power word: Sleep (217) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Power word: Stun (210) CRE ELEMSUNN Sunnis
Power word: Stun (210) CRE ELEMZAAM Zaaman Rul
Power word: Stun (210) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Silence (38) ITM AMUL21 Amulet of Power
Silence (38) ITM AMUL28 Amulet of the Master Harper
Silence (38) ITM SW1H50 Shazzellim +1
Silence (38) SPL SPWI219 Vocalize
Slay (55) CRE CHALRV01 The Ravager
Slay (55) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Slay (55) CRE DEVAEVIL Fallen Deva
Slay (55) CRE DEVAGOOD Deva
Slay (55) CRE HGMND2 Shambling Mound
Slay (55) CRE HGMOUND Shambling Mound
Slay (55) CRE PLANEVIL Fallen Planetar
Slay (55) CRE PLANGOOD Planetar
Slay (55) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Slay (55) ITM RING93 Ring
Slay (55) ITM RING94 Ring
Slay (55) ITM RING95 Ring
Slay (55) ITM RING98 Ring
Slay (55) ITM RING99 Ring
Slay (55) ITM STALKER Ring
Slay (55) ITM SW1H71 Hindo's Doom +4
Slay (55) SPL BALTH02 Lunar Stance!
Slay (55) SPL SPCL917 Avoid Death
Slay (55) SPL SPPR409 Death Ward
Slay (55) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Slay (55) SPL SPWI913 Wail of the Banshee
Sleep (39) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Sleep (39) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Sleep (39) ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Sleep (39) ITM RING92 Ring
Sleep (39) ITM RING94 Ring
Sleep (39) ITM RING95 Ring
Sleep (39) ITM RING98 Ring
Sleep (39) ITM RING99 Ring
Sleep (39) ITM STALKER Ring
Sleep (39) ITM TROLLALL Attack
Sleep (39) ITM VAMPREG  
Sleep (39) ITM VAMPREG1  
Sleep (39) ITM VAMPREG2  
Sleep (39) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Sleep (39) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Sleep (39) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Sleep (39) SPL SPIN783 Slayer Change
Sleep (39) SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Sleep (39) SPL SPIN852 Slayer Change
Sleep (39) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Slow (40) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Slow (40) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Slow (40) ITM NPSW01 Sword of Arvoreen
Slow (40) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Slow (40) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Slow (40) ITM RING97 Ring
Slow (40) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Slow (40) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Slow (40) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Slow (40) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Stun (45) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Stun (45) CRE ELEMSUNN Sunnis
Stun (45) CRE ELEMZAAM Zaaman Rul
Stun (45) CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Stun (45) ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Stun (45) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Stun (45) ITM HSLAYWPN  
Stun (45) ITM NPSW01 Sword of Arvoreen
Stun (45) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Stun (45) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Stun (45) ITM RING95 Ring
Stun (45) ITM RING99 Ring
Stun (45) ITM SHARARM Darkmail +3
Stun (45) ITM SLAYERWP  
Stun (45) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Stun (45) ITM STALKER Ring
Stun (45) ITM SW1H27 Arbane's Sword +2
Stun (45) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Stun (45) ITM TROLLALL Attack
Stun (45) SPL SPCL152 Barbarian Rage
Stun (45) SPL SPCL321 Enrage
Stun (45) SPL SPIN117 Berserk
Stun (45) SPL SPIN783 Slayer Change
Stun (45) SPL SPIN852 Slayer Change
Stun (45) SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Teleport field (222) SPL SPWI853 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Web effect overlay (157) CRE CHALSLAY Slayer
Web effect overlay (157) ITM ANTIWEB  
Web effect overlay (157) ITM BLUN30 Flail of Ages +5
Web effect overlay (157) ITM NPPLAT Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Web effect overlay (157) ITM POTN45 Potion of Freedom
Web effect overlay (157) ITM RING09 Ring of Free Action
Web effect overlay (157) ITM RING97 Ring
Web effect overlay (157) ITM SPER12 Ixil's Spike +6
Web effect overlay (157) ITM SW2H06 Spider's Bane
Web effect overlay (157) ITM SW2H13 Spider's Bane
Web effect overlay (157) SPL SPPR403 Free Action
Wing buffet (235) SPL BALTH01 Solar Stance!

Protection from spell (206)

Spell Name Spell ResRef File Type File ResRef File Name
Ballistic Attack SPIN911 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Ballistic Attack SPIN911 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Ballistic Attack SPIN911 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Ballistic Attack SPIN911 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Chaos SPWI508 ITM RING95 Ring
Charm Person SPWI104 ITM NPCHAN Corthala Family Armor
Charm Person or Mammal SPPR204 ITM NPCHAN Corthala Family Armor
Confusion SPPR709 ITM RING95 Ring
Confusion SPPR709 ITM RING99 Ring
Confusion SPPR709 ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Confusion SPPR709 ITM STALKER Ring
Confusion SPPR709 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Confusion SPWI401 ITM RING95 Ring
Confusion SPWI401 ITM RING99 Ring
Confusion SPWI401 ITM SHLD25 Shield of Harmony +2
Confusion SPWI401 ITM STALKER Ring
Confusion SPWI401 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Deathsong SPIN680 ITM HSPECTRE  
Detonate SPIN912 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Detonate SPIN912 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Detonate SPIN912 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Detonate SPIN912 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Dire Charm SPWI316 ITM NPCHAN Corthala Family Armor
Domination SPIN883 ITM NPCHAN Corthala Family Armor
Domination SPIN883 SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Domination SPIN910 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Domination SPIN910 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Domination SPIN910 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Domination SPIN910 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Doom SPPR113 SPL SPPR113 Doom
Dragon Rain SPIN723 ITM RING95 Ring
Dragon Rain SPIN723 ITM STALKER Ring
Ego Whip SPIN909 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Ego Whip SPIN909 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Ego Whip SPIN909 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Ego Whip SPIN909 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Entangle SPPR105 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Entangle SPPR105 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Entangle SPPR105 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Finger of Death SPPR708 ITM HSLAYWPN  
Finger of Death SPPR708 ITM SLAYERWP  
Finger of Death SPPR708 ITM STALKER Ring
Finger of Death SPWI713 ITM HSLAYWPN  
Finger of Death SPWI713 ITM SLAYERWP  
Finger of Death SPWI713 ITM STALKER Ring
Greater Malison SPWI412 SPL BALTH07 Greater Malison
Greater Malison SPWI412 SPL SPWI412 Greater Malison
Hold Person SPPR208 ITM RING95 Ring
Hold Person SPPR208 ITM STALKER Ring
Hold Person SPPR208 ITM VAMPREG  
Hold Person SPPR208 ITM VAMPREG1  
Hold Person SPPR208 ITM VAMPREG2  
Holy Smite SPPR313 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Holy Smite SPPR313 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Holy Smite SPPR313 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Imprisonment SPIN788 ITM SLAYERWP  
Imprisonment SPWI910 ITM SLAYERWP  
Lightning Bolt SPWI308 ITM RING95 Ring
Lightning Bolt SPWI308 ITM STALKER Ring
Lower Resistance SPWI514 ITM CHALSLAY Ring
Lower Resistance SPWI514 ITM NISHRUU  
Lower Resistance SPWI514 ITM RAVAG01 Skull
Lower Resistance SPWI514 ITM RAVAG02 Boneblade +4
Magic Missile SPWI112 ITM MISC5X Harper Pin
Magic Missile SPWI112 SPL SPWI114 Shield
Maze SPIN774 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Maze SPIN774 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Maze SPIN774 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Maze SPIN774 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Maze SPWI813 SPL SPPR508 Chaotic Commands
Melf's Acid Arrow SPWI211 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Melf's Acid Arrow SPWI211 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM RING94 Ring
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM RING95 Ring
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM RING99 Ring
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM SLAYSH01  
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM STALKER Ring
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM VAMP  
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM VAMP1  
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM VAMP2  
Nature's Beauty SPPR704 ITM VAMP3  
Polymorph Other SPWI415 SPL SPIN823 Slayer Change
Psionic Blast SPIN834 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Psionic Blast SPIN834 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Psionic Blast SPIN834 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Psionic Blast SPIN834 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Psionic Blast SPIN959 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Psionic Blast SPIN959 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Psionic Blast SPIN959 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Psionic Blast SPIN959 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Psionic Blast SPIN974 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Psionic Blast SPIN974 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Psionic Blast SPIN974 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Psionic Blast SPIN974 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Psionic Domination SPIN975 CRE SWORD01 Magical Sword
Psionic Domination SPIN975 ITM AMUL17 Greenstone Amulet
Psionic Domination SPIN975 ITM MISC9Y Brine Potion
Psionic Domination SPIN975 ITM SW2H21 Psion's Blade +5
Silence 15' Radius SPPR211 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Skull Trap SPWI313 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Skull Trap SPWI313 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Slow SPWI312 SPL SPWI413 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Stinking Cloud SPWI213 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Stinking Cloud SPWI213 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Stinking Cloud SPWI213 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Unholy Blight SPPR314 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Unholy Blight SPPR314 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Unholy Blight SPPR314 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability
Vampiric Touch SPIN106 SPL SPIN106 Vampiric Touch
Vampiric Touch SPIN106 SPL SPWI314 Vampiric Touch
Vampiric Touch SPWI314 SPL SPIN106 Vampiric Touch
Vampiric Touch SPWI314 SPL SPWI314 Vampiric Touch
Wail of the Banshee SPWI913 ITM STALKER Ring
Web SPWI215 ITM AURSTAF Staff of the Ram +4
Web SPWI215 SPL SPWI406 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Web SPWI215 SPL SPWI602 Globe of Invulnerability