Poll Archives (March 2005 - February 2006)

Q: Did you get Neverwinter Nights primarily to play the game or to create modules with the toolset?
(468 votes total)

Primarily to play the game (337) 72%
I don't have Neverwinter Nights (65) 14%
To play and create more or less equally (49) 10%
Primarily to create modules with the toolset (17) 4%

The vast majority of those who have voted in the poll (72%) got Neverwinter Nights primarily to play the game.

14% of those who have voted don't have Neverwinter Nights, but overall that's a relatively small percentage of people.

10% of the poll participants got Neverwinter Nights to play and create modules more or less equally.

Only 4% of our visitors got Neverwinter Nights primarily to create modules with the toolset.

Q: Do you mostly recruit the NPCs that aren't your potential love interests into your party based on their class, personality, or both?
(462 votes total)

Based on both their class and personality (223) 48%
Mostly based on their class (139) 30%
Mostly based on their personality (100) 22%

Nearly a half of those who have voted (48%) are pretty fair in their recruiting, picking NPCs for their parties based on both their class and personality.

30% of the poll participants, however, mostly pick NPCs for their party based on the class of the NPCs.

Only 22% of all who have voted recruit NPCs into their parties mostly based on their personalities.

Q: Which of the video game consoles released in roughly the last ten years do you own (or have owned)?
(1248 votes total)

PlayStation 2 (242) 19%
PlayStation (236) 19%
N64 (188) 15%
None of the listed ones (161) 13%
Xbox (141) 11%
GameCube (129) 10%
Dreamcast (73) 6%
Saturn (43) 3%
Xbox 360 (35) 3%

For the record, this poll allowed for multiple selections in the same vote.

The most popular consoles among our visitors are obviously both PlayStations with nearly identical amounts of votes each and 38% of votes combined.

N64 is the next most popular console, owned by 15% of our visitors who have voted in the poll.

13% of those who have voted in the poll own none of the consoles listed in the poll.

Xbox is popular with 11% of our visitors, closely followed by GameCube with 10%.

Dreamcast received 6% of the votes, followed by Saturn with 3% and Xbox 360 with another 3%.

Q: If you could meet one Baldur's Gate 2 NPC in real life, who would it be?
(1552 votes total)

Viconia (291) 19%
Aerie (262) 17%
Imoen (225) 14%
Minsc (223) 14%
Jaheira (129) 8%
Sarevok (92) 6%
Edwin (62) 4%
Jan (53) 3%
Haer'Dalis (40) 3%
Keldorn (40) 3%
Yoshimo (35) 2%
Nalia (30) 2%
Korgan (19) 1%
Mazzy (17) 1%
Anomen (13) 1%
Cernd (11) 1%
Valygar (10) 1%

How about you guys and girls do me a favour and also vote as energetically in non-BG2-NPC polls from now on, hmm? It's pretty sad that we only get a decent amount of votes in whenever I put up a poll about BG2 NPCs.

But anyway, as expected, the romanceable female NPCs (plus Imoen), along with Minsc, are the most popular Baldur's Gate 2 NPCs that people would like to meet. The only major surprise there might be that substantially more people have voted for Minsc than for Jaheira... I know some people around here will be outraged by this turn of events, but the sheer animal magnetism that Minsc radiates (or is that Boo holding a miniature giant magnet?) cannot be so easily countered by druidic balance.

After Jaheira we have the ex-nemesis Sarevok as the next most popular BG2 NPC that people would like to meet, followed by the Elminster-wannabe Edwin. The turnip-loving gnome Jan is the next NPC that people would most like to meet, followed by Haer'Dalis and Keldorn, both with the same number of fans.

Next up is Yoshimo, followed closely by Nalia. Diving into obscurity after those two, we have Korgan, Mazzy, Anomen, Cernd and last (and least?), Valygar.

Q: What were the primary reasons (you can pick multiple) for your not having played any of the released games covered on SP?
(419 votes total)

No interest in those particular titles (58) 14%
Lack of time to play (55) 13%
Couldn't find stores that still sold the games (54) 13%
Too buggy (50) 12%
Heard or read bad reviews (46) 11%
Too high hardware requirements (40) 10%
Couldn't afford them (40) 10%
Don't like the ruleset used (28) 7%
Thought the games looked bad or dated (25) 6%
Other (23) 5%

The primary reason why most of the people who've voted (14%) haven't played any of the released games covered on SP is no interest in those particular titles.

The second and third popular reasons (each with 13% of votes) are the lack of time to play and unavailability of the titles in question in stores.

12% of votes go out to too buggy games, followed closely by 11% in consequence of bad reviews the games have received.

Too high hardware requirements and the inability to afford the titles in question account for another 20% of votes (10% each).

7% of votes have been cast on account of the ruleset used in the games not suiting the voters, followed by the 6% of impressions that the games in question looked bad or dated.

Lastly, 5% of votes have been for "Other", but since none of the people who've voted for that option have bothered clarifying in the poll comments what their other reason was, we can only guess...

Q: On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the expired year 2005?
(378 votes total)

3 (122) 32%
4 (103) 27%
2 (77) 20%
1 (worst) (57) 15%
5 (best) (19) 5%

We can sum up this poll by saying that the relative majority of poll participants (32%) consider 2005 to have been an OK year, that 35% consider it a (pretty) bad year (ratings 1 & 2 combined), and that another 32% (ratings 4 & 5 combined) consider it a (pretty) successful year.

Just for kicks, I've gone through the archives and dug up the results of the same poll we've conducted for year 2004. While the percentages were slightly different, the numerical order (3, 4, 2, 1 and 5) was the same as this year. The same thing's also happened last year when I was making a comparison with the year before (the percentages were quite different, however), so I wonder if the numerical order of the results is ever going to change in the upcoming years.

Q: Are you hoping to get any of the games covered on SP as Christmas/New Year presents?
(230 votes total)

No, and I won't be giving any as presents (142) 62%
Yes, but I won't be giving any as presents (53) 23%
Yes, and I will be giving some as presents (27) 12%
No, but I will be giving some as presents (8) 3%

More than half of the people who've voted in the poll (62%) weren't expecting to get or give away any of the games covered on SP as Christmas/New Year presents.

23% of those who have voted were hoping to get some SP-covered games as gifts, but didn't intend on giving any as presents.

Only 12% of all the people who've voted were hoping to get some of the games covered on SP as Christmas/New Year presents, as well as intending on giving some SP-covered games as gifts themselves.

Finally, 3% of all the poll participants weren't hoping to get any SP-covered games, but still intended to give some away as presents.

Q: Which of the official expansions for the games covered on SP did you enjoy the most?
(601 votes total)

Throne of Bhaal (BG2) (368) 61%
Hordes of the Underdark (NWN) (108) 18%
Tales of the Sword Coast (BG1) (61) 10%
Heart of Winter + Trials of the Luremaster (IWD1) (40) 7%
Shadows of Undrentide (NWN) (16) 3%
Premium Modules (NWN) (8) 1%

The fact that of the SP-covered official expansions Throne of Bhaal was enjoyed the most by 61% of those who have voted really comes as a no surprise, considering Throne of Bhaal is beyond a doubt the only expansion that nearly everyone visiting this site has played.

Hordes of the Underdark came in second, but with a significantly smaller number of fans - 18%.

Tales of the Sword Coast was enjoyed the most by 10% of the people who've voted, closely followed by Heart of Winter + Trials of the Luremaster with 7% of votes.

Shadows of Undrentide was the least popular of the "real" expansions covered on SP, with merely 3% of all the votes.

BioWare's Premium Neverwinter Nights modules were enjoyed the most by 1% of our visitors who have voted in the poll.

Q: Have you already done your holiday shopping?
(331 votes total)

No, not yet (146) 44%
I won't do any holiday shopping (73) 22%
Some of it (48) 15%
Most of it (44) 13%
Yes, all of it (20) 6%

Nearly half of the people who have voted in the poll (44%) last week haven't done their holiday shopping yet at the time of voting.

22% of those who have voted, however, won't do any holiday shopping for one reason or another.

15% of our visitors who have voted in the poll have already done some shopping, and 13% most of it.

Only 6% of all the people who have voted have already done all of their holiday shopping last week.

Q: How often do you change the avatar colours of your characters in Infinity Engine CRPGs?
(401 votes total)

Only in the beginning (232) 58%
A couple of times during the game (70) 17%
I never bother changing the default colours (52) 13%
A few times during the game (25) 6%
Relatively often during the game (22) 5%

The wide majority of poll participants (58%) only change the avatar colours of their characters in Infinity Engine CRPGs in the beginning of the game.

17% of those who have voted change the avatar colours a couple of times during the game, followed by 13% of those who never even bother to change the default colours.

6% of the people who have voted change the colours a few times during the game, followed closely by the 5% of those who change their avatar colours relatively often during the game.

Q: Are you male or female?
(570 votes total)

Male (488) 86%
Female (82) 14%

Now this one of those rare polls which really, REALLY, require no comment from me.

Q: Do you ever buy used computer games?
(370 votes total)

No, never (138) 37%
Yes, but rarely (83) 22%
Yes, occasionally (68) 18%
Yes, regularly (66) 18%
I used to, but I don't any more (15) 4%

The relative majority of the people who've participated in the poll (37%) never buy used computer games.

Combined, however, 58% of those who have voted in the poll do buy used computer games; 22% rarely, 18% occasionally and another 18% regularly.

Lastly, 4% of the poll participants used to buy used computer games, but don't any more.

Q: Would you prefer games to come in big cardboard boxes like in the good old days rather than in the current smaller / DVD case packaging?
(597 votes total)

Yes, I want the larger boxes again! (291) 49%
No, I prefer the smaller packaging (220) 37%
I don't care either way (67) 11%
I can't decide what's better (19) 3%

A fraction less than half of the poll participants (49%) want the larger cardboard boxes packaging for games to return.

However, surprisingly enough, 37% of the people who've voted in the poll actually prefer the smaller packaging.

Only 11% of all the participants in the poll don't care either way, followed by the 3% of those who can't decide which kind of game packaging is better in their opinion.

Q: Which of the upcoming games covered by SP are you looking forward to the most?
(423 votes total)

Neverwinter Nights 2 (259) 61%
Dragon Age (100) 24%
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach (64) 15%

Neverwinter Nights 2 is the most highly anticipated SP-covered game of the majority of the people who have voted in the poll (61%).

BioWare's Dragon Age is the second most anticipated game, with nearly a quarter of votes (24%).

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach is the least anticipated game of the poll, with only 15% of our visitors looking forward to it the most.

Q: If you had the option to play as one of the (near) human-sized monster races in a D&D CRPG (such a hobgoblins, gnolls, vampires, orcs, illithids, etc.), would you try it out?
(566 votes total)

Yes, definitely (343) 61%
Maybe, depends on the implementation (193) 34%
No, never (30) 5%

There definitely is much interest in playing monster races in D&D CRPGs, as evidenced by the 61% of those who have voted in our poll.

A bit more than a third of those who have voted (34%) are somewhat wary of the idea of playing a monster race, voting that they would possibly give it a shot, depending on how it was implemented.

Only 5% of poll participants would never play a monster race in a D&D CRPG.

Q: What is your favourite source of caffeine?
(662 votes total)

Coffee (197) 30%
Soft drinks / soda (142) 21%
Tea (107) 16%
I avoid caffeine (82) 12%
Chocolate (68) 10%
Energy drinks (34) 5%
I have no preference (19) 3%
Pills (9) 1%
Other (4) 1%

Coffee, soft drinks and tea form the holy trinity of popular caffeine sources, earning themselves 67% of votes combined.

Interestingly, 12% of the people who voted in our poll avoid caffeine.

Chocolate is the favourite source of caffeine for 10% of the poll participants, followed by 5% of those who prefer energy drinks for this purpose.

Only 3% of those who voted have no preference when it comes to caffeine intake.

Finally, 1% of those who voted prefer caffeine in pills, followed by 4 people who prefer it in some other form not listed in our poll. I wonder what that is...

Q: Have you killed Drizzt in the original Baldur's Gate?
(824 votes total)

Yes, I have (368) 45%
No, I haven't (246) 30%
I haven't played the original Baldur's Gate (91) 11%
I've tried, but gave up (80) 10%
I don't remember (39) 5%

Who would have thought that the relative majority of our visitors who have voted in the poll (45%) decided to kill Drizzt despite him being a force of good in the Forgotten Realms? I guess the lure of all those shiny ones he's carrying was just too much...

However, saving the honour of humanity (well, somewhat) are the 30% of those who didn't kill him back then.

11% of the poll participants can be sorry for not having played the game that started it all; SP among other things...

10% of those who have voted in the poll tried killing Drizzt, but gave up and went on their way through the magic of Saving and Reloading.

Finally, 5% of the people who have voted in the poll have cloudy memories of this event, so we'll never know what REALLY happened in their games...

Q: Do you intend to see Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God, the second Dungeons & Dragons movie, upon release or at some later date?
(473 votes total)

Maybe at some point, depending on the circumstances (206) 44%
Yes, as soon as I can (187) 40%
No, never (80) 17%

The majority of those who voted in the poll (44%) might get to see the Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon
God movie at some point, depending on the circumstances.

40% of the poll participants, however, intend to see the movie as soon as they can (or have already seen it by now).

Lastly, 17% of all the people who voted never intend to see Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God.

Q: Which screen resolution (usually listed in the games' configuration program) do you normally play CRPGs at?
(514 votes total)

1024 × 768 (270) 53%
800 × 600 (103) 20%
1280 × something (92) 18%
1600 × something or larger (28) 5%
A non-typical resolution not listed above, smaller than 1600 × something (12) 2%
640 × 480 (9) 2%

More than half of the poll participants (53%) normally play CRPGs at the 1024 × 768 pixels screen resolution.

20% of those who voted use the 800 × 600 resolution normally, closely followed by the 18% of people who use a 1280 × something screen resolution.

The remaining options aren't too popular. 5% of the people who participated in the poll normally use a 1600 × something or larger screen resolution when playing CRPGs, followed by the 2% of those who use a non-typical resolution not listed among the poll answers, smaller than 1600 × something, and another 2% who still use the good old 640 × 480 resolution.

Q: On a scale of 1-5, how important to you is multiplayer in CRPGs you play?
(386 votes total)

1 (unimportant) (217) 56%
2 (59) 15%
3 (43) 11%
5 (essential) (40) 10%
4 (27) 7%

More than half of the poll participants (56%) voted that multiplayer in CRPGs is unimportant to them.

15% of those who voted rated multiplayer 2/5 on the scale of importance, so still of little importance.

11% of the people who voted 3/5 consider multiplayer to be of some importance, followed closely by the 10% of those who consider multiplayer in CRPGs to be essential.

Finally, 7% of the remaining votes rated multiplayer in CRPGs 4/5 on the scale of importance, so quite important.

Q: Do skimpy garments/armour many women in CRPGs often wear ever bother you?
(689 votes total)

No, I think there should be more of it! (294) 43%
No, never (125) 18%
Yes, occasionally (117) 17%
Yes, but rarely (77) 11%
Yes, frequently (76) 11%

Talk about embarrassing poll results... it is quite clear from the results that the wide majority of our visitors are not bothered by the skimpy garments or armour many women in CRPGs often wear. 43% of those who voted even think there should be more of it, while 18% of poll participants are never bothered by the frequently ridiculous women wear (armour with so many revealing gaps that it's about as useful as a shield with a big hole in the middle, etc.) at all. I guess given the results we're lucky that every CRPG female isn't running around in a chainmail bikini...

Of the people who are bothered by the portrayal of women in CRPGs, 17% are bothered by it occasionally, 11% rarely, and another 11% frequently.

Q: How many of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels have you read or started reading?
(296 votes total)

None (172) 58%
All three (93) 31%
One (16) 5%
Two (15) 5%

The majority of those who have voted in our poll (58%) haven't read any of Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels.

Nearly a third of the poll participants (31%), however, have read all three of his A Song of Ice and Fire novels released to date.

The remaining 10% are split equally in half between those who have read (or started reading) one of his fantasy novels (5%) or two of them (another 5%).

Q: How many of BioWare's premium Neverwinter Nights modules have you bought thus far? (Witch's Wake doesn't count as it comes free with ShadowGuard.)
(320 votes total)

None (237) 74%
Three (46) 14%
One (20) 6%
Two (17) 5%

Nearly three quarters of those who voted (74%) haven't bought any of BioWare's premium Neverwinter Nights modules to date.

14% of the poll participants, however, have bought all three already.

6% of the people who voted have bought one premium module, followed closely by the 5% of those who have bought two premium Neverwinter Nights modules.

Q: In CRPGs, do you ever create characters based on existing ones from books, TV, movies, music, etc.?
(490 votes total)

No, never (213) 43%
Rarely (127) 26%
Occasionally (105) 21%
Yes, regularly (45) 9%

The majority of those who voted (43%) never create any characters in CRPGs based on existing ones from other media.

26% of poll participants do it rarely, followed by 21% of those who do it occasionally.

Only 9% of all who voted regularly create characters based on existing ones from books, TV, movies, music etc.

Q: Which of the released games covered on SP would you like to play a sequel to the most?
(1033 votes total)

Baldur's Gate 2 (487) 47%
Planescape: Torment (246) 24%
Neverwinter Nights (132) 13%
The Temple of Elemental Evil (72) 7%
Icewind Dale 2 (70) 7%
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone (14) 1%
Pool of Radiance: RoMD (12) 1%

The fact that the majority of our visitors (47%) would like to play a sequel to Baldur's Gate 2 the most does not really come as a surprise.

The second game our visitors would most like to play a sequel to is Planescape: Torment, with 24% of votes.

Neverwinter Nights came in third, with 13% of votes.

The Temple of Elemental Evil and Icewind Dale 2 both got 7% of the people's votes each.

The biggest losers of the poll are Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone and Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, each with only 1% of people who would like to play their sequels the most.

Q: How often do you save your game in CRPGs covered on SP?
(578 votes total)

About every couple of minutes or more often (134) 23%
About every 5 minutes (124) 21%
About every 10 minutes (83) 14%
About every 15 minutes (72) 12%
About every 30 minutes (58) 10%
About every 20 minutes (35) 6%
Less frequently than every 60 minutes (22) 4%
I never save, relying on automatic saves (22) 4%
About every 45 minutes (16) 3%
About every 60 minutes (12) 2%

The majority of those who voted (44%) are well trained in the Art of Saving, saving their positions in CRPGs every 5 minutes or more often.

26% of poll participants give it a bit more time, saving every 10-15 minutes.

Third are those who save their games every 20-30 minutes, with 16% of votes combined.

4% save less frequently than every 60 minutes, and another 4% never save at all, preferring life on the edge.

Finally, 5% of those who participated in the poll save their games about every 45-60 minutes.

Q: Which of the Baldur's Gate 2 romance options for males do you like best?
(850 votes total)

Viconia (267) 31%
Aerie (245) 29%
Jaheira (199) 23%
I have never tried any (65) 8%
One of the mod romances (43) 5%
I don't like any official or mod romances (31) 4%

The majority of those who voted (31%) like Viconia's official romance best.

Aerie is the second most popular romance option, with 29% of votes.

Jaheira is the least popular of the official romances, with 23% of fans.

8% of those who voted have never tried any official or unofficial romances, so they couldn't vote for any of them.

Interestingly, 5% of the people who voted prefer one of the mod romances over the three official ones.

Lastly, 4% of poll participants don't like any official or mod romances.

Q: Do you use the printed maps that come with CRPGs such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights?
(390 votes total)

No, never (94) 24%
Only as wall decoration (78) 20%
Yes, from time to time (68) 17%
Yes, regularly (58) 15%
Only when I played the first time (49) 13%
Yes, but rarely (43) 11%

The majority of the people who voted (24%) never use the printed maps that come with CRPGs.

20% of those who voted only use them as wall decoration.

17% of poll participants use the maps from time to time, followed closely by the 15% who use them regularly.

13% of voters have only used the maps when they played for the first time.

Finally, 11% of those who participated in the poll do use the printed maps, but rarely.

Q: If you could, would you want to work at BioWare or Obsidian?
(424 votes total)

Yes, at either of them (182) 43%
Yes, but only at BioWare (118) 28%
Maybe, depends on the terms/pay (83) 20%
No, never (21) 5%
Yes, but only at Obsidian (20) 5%

The majority of those who voted (43%) would want to work at either BioWare or Obsidian.

28% of the poll participants, however, would only want to work at BioWare.

20% of those who participated in the poll would only consider a job at BioWare or Obsidian if the terms of the contract or payment would persuade them.

The final 10% of votes are split equally between those who would never want to work at either of the companies, and between those who would only want to work at Obsidian.

Q: Are you going to buy BioWare's latest premium Neverwinter Nights module "Pirates of the Sword Coast"?
(594 votes total)

No, never (188) 32%
I would, but I don't have a credit card (that BioWare would accept) (147) 25%
Maybe, depends on the reviews (133) 22%
I already have (67) 11%
Yes, definitely (59) 10%

Almost a third of those who voted (32%) are never going to buy the Pirates of the Sword Coast premium module.

A quarter of poll participants (25%) would buy the module, but don't have a credit card, or have one, but BioWare doesn't accept it.

22% of the people who voted won't decide about buying it until they've read some reviews of it.

At the time of voting, 11% of those who have participated in the poll have already bought Pirates of the Sword Coast.

Lastly, 10% of our visitors voted that they are definitely going to buy the Pirates of the Sword Coast premium module.

Q: How often do you change your graphics card to get an upgrade?
(566 votes total)

Only whenever I want to play a game which requires a more powerful one than my current one (171) 30%
Only when I'm buying a new computer (141) 25%
About every two years (96) 17%
About every three years (56) 10%
Whenever I find a good deal or get it for free (38) 7%
About every 10-12 months (35) 6%
About every four years or more (17) 3%
About every 3 months or more often (7) 1%
About every 7-9 months (3) 1%
About every 4-6 months (2) 0%

Poor performance in games is obviously the primary reason for our visitors to buy a new graphics card, since 30% of those who voted change their graphics card only whenever they want to play a game which requires a more powerful one than their current one.

A quarter of the people who voted (25%) only change their graphics card when they are buying a new computer.

17% of the poll participants change it about every 2 years, and 10% change it about every 3 years.

7% of our visitors change their graphics card whenever they find a good deal, or get it for free.

6% of all who voted change their graphics card to get an upgrade about every 10-12 months, followed by 3% who change it only about every 4 years or more.

There are only about 2% of those who change their graphics card more often than every 10 months.

Q: Do you have enough hard drive space to keep installed all the games you want to play?
(527 votes total)

Yes, enough for everything (264) 50%
No, but enough for most (135) 26%
No, only enough for some (83) 16%
No, hardly enough for any (45) 9%

A clear half of the poll participants (50%) have enough hard drive space to keep all the games they want to play installed.

About a quarter (26%) of those who voted can't have them all installed, but they have enough space for most of them.

16% of the people who voted only have enough hard drive space to keep some of the games they want to play installed.

Lastly, 9% of the participants in the poll hardly have enough hard drive space to keep any of the games they want to play installed.

Q: In percents, how much of your computer usage that isn't work related is spent gaming?
(487 votes total)

81-100% (181) 37%
61-80% (123) 25%
41-60% (85) 17%
21-40% (50) 10%
0-20% (48) 10%

There's really not much to comment here... the results came out in perfect order. The majority of those who voted (37%) play games 81-100% of the time spent using a computer that isn't work-related. A quarter (25%) of poll participants game 61-80% of their free computer time, while 17% of the people who voted are somewhere in the middle, with 41-60% gaming time.

Finally, 10% of those who voted spend 21-40% of their free computer time gaming, and another 10% spend 0-20% of their free computer time playing games.

Q: Which of the original Baldur's Gate 2 romance options for males do you like best?
(847 votes total)

Viconia (292) 34%
Aerie (249) 29%
Jaheira (219) 26%
I have never tried any (87) 10%

Of the original Baldur's Gate 2 romance options for males, Viconia is obviously the most popular with 34% of votes.

Next in popularity is the Aerie romance, with 29% of votes.

Jaheira is the least popular of the original romances, with 26% of votes.

Finally, 10% of those who voted haven't tried any of the original romances.

Q: Do you ever play games while at work or in school?
(375 votes total)

No, never (178) 47%
Sometimes (132) 35%
Yes, all the time (65) 17%

Nearly half of the poll participants (47%) never play games when they shouldn't, like at work or in school.

35% of those who voted sneak in some play time from time to time.

The remaining 17% play games while at work or in school all the time.

Q: Which sword type from the games covered on Sorcerer's Place is your favourite?
(972 votes total)

Longsword (234) 24%
Katana (224) 23%
Bastard sword (141) 15%
Greatsword (120) 12%
Scimitar (90) 9%
Rapier (62) 6%
Two-bladed sword (51) 5%
Wakizashi & ninja-to (28) 3%
Shortsword (22) 2%

Longsword is the sword type of choice for almost a quarter of the people who voted (24%), closely followed by the katana, with 23% of votes.

The third favourite sword type of the poll participants is the bastard sword, with 15% of votes.

Greatsword, or the two-handed sword, is preferred by 12% of those who voted.

Scimitar is the most popular sword type with slightly less than a tenth (9%) of the SP population.

Next is the rapier with 6% of votes, closely followed by the two-bladed sword with 5%.

The least favourite sword types are the wakizashi & ninja-to (only 3% fan base), and the shortsword (2% of votes).

Q: Do you prefer to use headphones or speakers when gaming?
(531 votes total)

I always prefer speakers (254) 48%
Depends on the game and/or situation (150) 28%
I always prefer headphones (95) 18%
I have no preference (20) 4%
I don't have the sound on when gaming (12) 2%

Nearly half of the poll participants (48%) always prefer to use speakers when gaming.

With 28% of those who voted, it depends on the game and/or situation whether they prefer to use headphones or speakers.

18% of all who voted always prefer headphones when gaming.

Lastly, 4% of people who participated in the poll have no preference to headphones or speakers, and 2% don't have the sound on when gaming at all.

Q: Would you have preferred the CRPGs covered on SP to take "realism" to a bit higher level by requiring your characters to eat and drink to survive?
(487 votes total)

Maybe, depends on the implementation (211) 43%
No, definitely not (179) 37%
Yes, definitely (70) 14%
I wouldn't care either way (27) 6%

The majority of poll participants (43%) would not by default be in favour or against requiring their characters in CRPGs covered on SP to eat and drink to survive, and would only base their decision on the implementation of such an idea.

37% of those who voted, however, are firmly against requiring their CRPG characters to eat and drink to survive.

Only 14% of all the poll participants would definitely be in favour of such a requirement.

Finally, 6% of voters would not care either way.

Q: Have you ever been to any interactive entertainment / gaming shows, such as E3, ECTS, GDC etc?
(227 votes total)

No (197) 87%
Yes (19) 8%
I intend on going this year or next (11) 5%

The overwhelming majority of those who voted in the poll (87%) have never been to any interactive entertainment or gaming shows.

8% of the poll participants have been to interactive entertainment / gaming shows before, and 5% of all who voted intend to attend such a show this year or next.

Q: Do you ever install the beta versions of Neverwinter Nights patches?
(204 votes total)

No, never (155) 76%
Sometimes (35) 17%
Yes, always (14) 7%

The majority of people who participated in the poll (76%) never install the beta versions of Neverwinter Nights patches.

17% of those who voted sometimes do install the beta versions, and 7% of all the people who voted always install beta Neverwinter Nights patches.

Q: Which of the D&D games slated for release this year are you most interested in?
(303 votes total)

Dungeons & Dragons Online (104) 34%
Not interested in either of them (95) 31%
Dragonshard (71) 23%
Both equally (33) 11%

The majority of poll participants (34%) are currently most interested in Dungeons & Dragons Online.

31% of those who voted, however, are not interested in either Dungeons & Dragons Online or Dragonshard.

A bit less than a quarter of those who voted (23%) are most interested in Dragonshard, the upcoming D&D real-time strategy.

Lastly, 11% of all who voted are equally interested in Dragonshard and Dungeons & Dragons Online.

Q: Have you played Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone?
(408 votes total)

No, and I probably won't (221) 54%
No, but I'm planning to (106) 26%
Yes, I have (81) 20%

There's not really much to add to the results here... More than half of the poll participants (54%) have not played Forgotten Realms: Demon stone, and also probably never will.

26% of those who voted haven't played it either, but are still planning on playing it at some point in the future.

Only 20% of all the people who voted have played Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.

Q: Overall, are you happy with your computer's performance in the games you play?
(427 votes total)

Somewhat (192) 45%
Yes, completely (172) 40%
No, not at all (63) 15%

Nearly half of the poll participants (45%) are not fully satisfied with their computer's performance in the games they play.

On the other hand, 40% of those who voted are overall completely happy with their computer's performance in the games they play.

Only 15% of the people who participated in the poll voted that they are not at all happy with their computer's performance in the games they play.

Q: How much alcohol does your main character normally consume when he or she visits and inn or a tavern?
(733 votes total)

My main character doesn't drink alcohol (222) 30%
He or she only drinks as much as it is necessary to gain information (162) 22%

He or she varies in his/her drinking habits (116) 16%
Only a couple of drinks or ales (88) 12%
He or she drinks until she passes out (88) 12%
Enough to get visibly intoxicated (57) 8%

(Yes, this was Sorvo's poll idea, in case it isn't obvious.)

The majority of poll participants (30%) claim, interestingly enough, that their main characters don't drink any alcohol at all when visiting taverns or inns.

A rational 22%, however, have their main characters drink only as much as it is necessary to gain information.

16% of those who voted say that their main character's drinking habits vary.

The options of main characters only having a couple of drinks or ales and drinking until passing out each got the exact same number of votes, so we have 12% twice here.

Lastly, 8% of poll participants' main characters drink enough to get visibly intoxicated when in taverns or inns.

Q: Did you play Troika's The Temple of Elemental Evil?
(596 votes total)

Yes, but I didn't finish it (223) 37%
No, and I probably never will (135) 23%
Yes, all the way through (124) 21%
Not yet, but I'm going to (79) 13%
I only played the demo (35) 6%

A bit more than a third of poll participants (37%) have played The Temple of Elemental Evil, but haven't finished it.

23% of those who voted, however, have not played the game and probably never will.

21% of votes have been cast by people who have played The Temple of Elemental Evil and finished it.

13% of poll participants haven't played the game yet, but intend to in the future.

Finally, 6% of those who voted have only played the demo version of The Temple of Elemental Evil.

Q: The development of which next major D&D CRPG title interests you the most?
(937 votes total)

Baldur's Gate 3 (571) 61%
BG3 and NWN2 equally (244) 26%
Neverwinter Nights 2 (122) 13%

The majority of poll participants (61%) are most interested in the development of the upcoming Baldur's Gate 3, of which we still know very little, apart from the fact that it is (supposedly) being made.

26% of those who voted are equally interested in the development of Baldur's Gate 3 and Neverwinter Nights 2.

Only 13% of those who voted are more interested in the development of Neverwinter Nights 2 than in the development of Baldur's Gate 3.

Q: If you could live in one of the locations accessible in the games listed below, which game would the location be from?
(909 votes total)

Baldur's Gate 2 or Throne of Bhaal (292) 32%
Planescape: Torment (190) 21%
Baldur's Gate or Tales of the Sword Coast (177) 19%
Neverwinter Nights or Shadows of Undrentide or Hordes of the Underdark (85) 9%
Icewind Dale or Heart of Winter (55) 6%
Icewind Dale 2 (49) 5%
The Temple of Elemental Evil (41) 5%
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (16) 2%
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone (4) 0%

I'll just make a few general comments since the poll results mostly speak for themselves. The fact that Baldur's Gate 2 or Throne of Bhaal were chosen by the most people who voted as containing a location they would like to live in is undoubtedly due to the fact that most people visiting SP have played either BG2 or the expansion or both, while not necessarily (m)any other games covered on SP.

Planescape: Torment is a bit of an exception in this poll since not so many people have played it, but many of those who did, have, I believe, picked it because of the many striking locations accessible in the game.

On the other end of the spectrum we have Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor and Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, which both got very few votes, but this is probably (also) because very few people who voted in the poll have played them.

Q: How do you feel about the death of Troika (The Temple of Elemental Evil, Arcanum, Bloodlines...)?
(524 votes total)

I'm very sad about it (229) 44%
I'm somewhat sad about it (160) 31%
I couldn't care less about it (89) 17%
I'm glad that they're out of business (46) 9%

Most of the poll participants (44%) feel very sad about the death of Troika, the creators of The Temple of Elemental Evil and other CRPGs.

31% of those who voted feel somewhat sad about it, and 17% couldn't care less about it.

9% of the people who participated in the poll, however, are glad that Troika is out of business.

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